ubuntu upgrade problem】的更多相关文章

It's my new PC with a new os of ubuntu. every time when I want to install software or update apt-get, this error will appear: First, as the most usual functions the website given: to type these commands: sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf sudo apt-get…
升级命令 虽然 apt-get 经常被人诟病,但实际上它还是个挺好用的软件包管理器.在 Ubuntu 14.04 以后的系统中,apt-get 相关的升级更新命令有四个: apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get full-upgrade apt-get dist-upgrade 那么,这四个升级命令都有什么差别呢? 根据 apt-get 的官方手册: update - 从服务器更新可用的软件包列表. upgrade - 根据列表,更新已安装的软件包.upgr…
Oh-My-ZSH upgrade issue with bad substitution message   Any problem with automatic Oh-My-Zsh upgrade? Last login: Mon May 13 13:57:50 2013 from ifusio.com [Oh My Zsh] Would you like to check for updates? Type Y to update oh-my-zsh: y /home/thomas/.oh…
from: http://webikon.com/cases/installing-oracle-sql-plus-client-on-ubuntu Installing Oracle SQL*Plus client on Ubuntu  Claudiu Cristea · 8/7/2014 Technologies:  Ubuntu Oracle Problem You need to connect with sqlplus command line tool to your Oracle …
持续集成环境(Hudson)搭建 这是在公司写的,公司要求用英文,我也没时间翻译了.还请见谅! Hudson是个非常强大持续集成工具,配合svn,maven,sonar,redmine工具就更加完美了.大家要了解Hudson的介绍可以看这篇文章,我在这里就不详细介绍了.此外额外说下,由于Hudson被oracle收购后以前开发Hudson团队转移到了jekins.大家有兴趣可以google下.   Build Hudson Continuous Integration Environment G…
安装Docker与程序运行 1. requirements.txt Problem: Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/69/cb/f5be453359271714c01b9bd06126eaf2e368f1fddfff30818754b5ac2328/funcsigs-1.0.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl Collecting futures==3.2.0 (from -r requirements.txt…
Compilation RocksDB's library should be able to compile without any dependency installed, although we recommend installing some compression libraries (see below). We do depend on newer gcc/clang with C++11 support. There are few options when compilin…
Here’s the working solution to Lonsdor K518ISE Key Programmer abnormal display after upgrade. Problem: Click “Immobilizer” button after updating the device, it skips to below interface: Solution: Step 1: After rebooting the device, please press and h…
如果不是必要不建议自己编译rocksdb,编译的过程比较耗时费力.现在已经有很多编译好的文件可供使用. Java <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.rocksdb/rocksdbjni --> <dependency> <groupId>org.rocksdb</groupId> <artifactId>rocksdbjni</artifactId> <version>…
1 概述 使用SSH连接服务器是一件很平常的事,但是,连接是否足够安全是一个令人担忧的问题.本文从如下几个方面介绍了如何建立一个足够安全的SSH连接: 端口 协议 用户 密码 密钥对 ssh-agent 2 端口 第一步就是修改默认端口22,修改/etc/ssh/sshd_config中的Port即可,比如这里修改为1234端口: Port 1234 注意这里需要配合SELinu添加端口,否则不能启动sshd服务,在CentOS8中可以通过semanage添加端口,首先查看是否安装policyc…