总体介绍 <Node.js+MongoDB+AngularJS Web开发>,于2015年6月出版,是一本翻译过来的书,原书名为<Node.js,MongoDB and AngularJS Web Development>,总的来说是一本讲述如何用Javascript进行B/S架构全栈开发的书. 该书主要讲解4种技术(框架),分为6个部分29个章节.4种技术即Node.js.MongoDB.Express.AngularJS,业内称为MEAN:6个部分我个人理解为: 基础(引言).…
MongoDB is a NoSQL document-oriented database that allows you to define JSON based documents which are schema independent. The schema can be mapped with Tables in a Relational Database. A schema in MongoDB is called as collection, and a record in thi…