本章提要--------------------------------------------------SGA: System Global Area ( 包括background process)PGA: Process Global Area 进程或线程专用内存UGA: User Global Area 与session相关, 可能在SGA 或 PGA内分配 采用dedicated server 那么, UGA 就在 PGA 中, 否则, UGA在 SGA中-----------…
Symptom You have questions related to the SAP HANA memory. You experience a high memory utilization or out of memory dumps. Environment SAP HANA Cause 1. Which indications exist for SAP HANA memory problems?2. How can I collect information about the…
转载自:http://www.blogjava.net/rosen/archive/2010/05/21/321575.html 前言 在平时工作过程中,有时会遇到OutOfMemoryError,我们知道遇到Error一般表明程序存在着严重问题,可能是灾难性的.所以找出是什么原因造成OutOfMemoryError非常重要.现在向大家引荐Eclipse Memory Analyzer tool(MAT),来化解我们遇到的难题.如未说明,本文均使用Java 5.0 on Windows XP S…
In this article, we will show you how to use the -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal to find out your heap size detail. In Java, the default and maximum heap size are allocated based on this – ergonomics algorithm. Heap sizesInitial heap size of 1/64 of physical me…
转载自:http://blog.csdn.net/sodino/article/details/24186907 查看Mat文档时里面是这么描述Shallow Heap的:Shallow heap is the memory consumed by one object. An object needs 32 or 64 bits (depending on the OS architecture) per reference, 4 bytes per Integer, 8 bytes per…
参考:http://www.design-reuse.com/articles/24503/nand-flash-memory-embedded-systems.html Abstract : This paper presents fundamental information about NAND Flash memory used in Embedded Systems. It discusses various aspects of this storage media such as…
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Solid-state memory devices encompass rewritable non-volatile memory devices which may use electronic circuitry for storing data. Currently, solid-state memory devices start replacing conventional storage devices such as ha…
前言 在平时工作过程中,有时会遇到OutOfMemoryError,我们知道遇到Error一般表明程序存在着严重问题,可能是灾难性的.所以找出是什么原因造成OutOfMemoryError非常重要.现在向大家引荐Eclipse Memory Analyzer tool(MAT),来化解我们遇到的难题.如未说明,本文均使用Java 5.0 on Windows XP SP3环境. 为什么用MAT 之前的观点,我认为使用实时profiling/monitoring之类的工具,用一种非常实时的方式来分…
Coping with the TCP TIME-WAIT state on busy Linux servers 文章源自于:https://vincent.bernat.im/en/blog/2014-tcp-time-wait-state-linux.html Do not enable net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle. The Linux kernel documentation is not very helpful about whatnet.ipv4.tcp_tw_…
一,Execution Tree 执行树是数据流组件(转换和适配器)基于同步关系所建立的逻辑分组,每一个分组都是一个执行树的开始和结束,也可以将执行树理解为一个缓冲区的开始和结束,即缓冲区的整个生命周期. 大家知道,异步转换组件会结束输入缓冲区,创建新的输出缓冲区,所以,执行树的分组实际上通过异步转换组件来划分的,一个异步转换组件意味着上游执行树的结束和下游执行树的开始.当数据流经过异步转换组件,进入一个新的执行树,上一个执行树的缓冲区和相同数据就不再需要了,因为数据已经被传递到一个新的执行树和…
This is the third of a series of posts based on a presentation I did at the Barcelona Ruby Conference called “20,000 Leagues Under ActiveRecord.” (posts: one two and video). Preparing for this presentation over the Summer, I decided to read through p…
131. Which three methods can you use to run an Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) analysis over a specific time period? (Choosethree.)A. Enterprise Manager GUIB. DBMS_TRACE package APIsC. DBMS_ADVISOR package APIsD. DBMS_MONITOR package API…
61. You are working in an online transaction processing (OLTP) environment. You realize that the salary for an employee, John, has been accidentally modified in the EMPLOYEES table. Two days ago, the data was in the correct state. Flashback logs gene…
Access: Random / Sequential 1. Array element can be randomly accessed using index 2. Random access for element of linked list costs O(n) time 3. Generally, in linked list, elements are accessed sequentially Memory Structure 1. Elements of array is st…
I don't know if this is because of the Gradle Build System (I'd wager it is), but I'll tell you what I've understood so far. Update 1: 29/7/13 The IntelliJ's Project structure (shown at the end) is for IntelliJ with the android plugin. The Android St…
Datasets and Estimators are two key TensorFlow features you should use: Datasets: The best practice way of creating input pipelines (that is, reading data into your program). Estimators: A high-level way to create TensorFlow models. Estimators includ…