HP Notebook PCs - Updating the BIOS Updating the BIOS Updating the BIOS when Windows does not start (Windows 10, 8, 7) 本文原地址 This document includes the steps for finding, downloading, and installing updates to BIOS (Basic Input Output System) or…
Read more : http://www.ehow.com/how_6762235_mount-usb-drive-ubuntu.html Most USB drives will automount under the Ubuntu operating system. Automounting means Ubuntu is programmed to automatically recognize the storage device plugged into the system an…
Ubuntu and Win10 - double OS 2016-02-21 Yesterday I helped my friend install Ubuntu (14.04 LTS) on his PC where there has been a MS Win10. I used UltraISO to create a U-disk installation and installed it. However, then we could only start up Ubuntu a…
SANDY BRIDGE SPANS GENERATIONS Intel Focuses on Graphics, Multimedia in New Processor Design By Linley Gwennap {9/27/10-01} ................................................................................................................... Intel’s…