Dear Seller, Greetings from Amazon Seller Support. From your mail, I understand that you would like to know about the Amazon Giveaway. I apologize for any inconvenience caused to you. I will definitely assist you with this query. I would like to info…
To see data in the SQL Server Utility dashboard, select the top node in the Utility Explorer tree - labeled "Utility<UCP_Name>\(ComputerName\UCP)."  The dashboard includes summary and detail data from all managed instances of SQL Server an…
Understand 2.0是一款源代码阅读分析软件,功能强大.试用过一段时间后,感觉相当不错,确实可以大大提高代码阅读效率.由于Understand功能十分强大,本文不可能详尽地介绍它的所有功能,所以只列举本人认为比较重要或有特色的功能,以做抛砖引玉之举. Understand 2.0可以从下载到,安装后可以试用15天. 使用Understand阅读代码前,要先创建一个Project,然后把所有的源代码文件加入到这个Project里.这里我创建了…
If you have ever implemented Serializable interface, you must encounter this warning message The serializable class xxx does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long So…what is serialVersionUID? The serialVersionUID is used as a…
功能 支持分析的语言 统计总的代码数据 统计单个文件的数据 分析代码复杂度 分析代码格式 文件的依赖关系 文件夹依赖关系 文件夹包含关系.代码量 understand提供了很多图表,同时它可以根据源码分析出一个数据文件,用户通过它提供的API可以读取这个文件,获取各种依赖关系,包括这些: 总结 understand的优势是分析功能十分强大 understand的问题是提供的分析数据.图表太多,没有一种有条理的方式引导用户逐步了解代码. 来自为知笔记(Wiz)…
之前用Windows系统,一直用source insight查看代码非常方便,但是年前换到mac下面,虽说很多东西都方便了,但是却没有了静态代码分析工具,很幸运,前段时间找到一款比source insight软件还强大的代码静态分析工具,堪称神器–Understand.这款软件具有强大的代码静态分析功能,并且可以绘制各种流程图,不幸的是没有发现Windows版本,只看到mac版和Linux版本,因此用Windows系统的朋友抱歉了. 因为工作太忙,还没有时间详细的研究一下使用方法,只是简单的了解…
As we mentioned in the first article, Top Five Hacker Tools Every CISO Should Understand, the role of the CISO continues to evolve within organizations towards that of an executive level position. Nonetheless, CISOs need to keep on top of the best to…
As the role of the CISO continues to evolve within organizations towards that of an executive level position, we see a growing emphasis on traditional business administration skills over the more technical skills that previously defined the top secur…
The <base href=”/”/> you define will determine how all other assets you plan on loading treat their relative paths. While you’ll most often use / as your base href, it’s important to understand what’s going on in case you need to change how you’re h…
This post is covering one of the Java built-in concepts called Finalizer. This concept is actually both well-hidden and well-known, depending whether you have bothered to take a look at the java.lang.Object class thoroughly enough. Right in the java.…