自从使用Visual Studio 2013之后,多次遇到这个恼人的“Waiting for a required operation to complete...”问题. 问题发生于在Visual Studio 2013中复制/粘贴的时候.问题发生后,Visual Studio 2013停止响应,状态栏一直显示“Waiting for a required operation to complete...”,只能通过任务管理器强制结束Visual Studio进程,带来的后果是——所有未保存的…
问题一: microsoft visual studio c++ 10.0 is required 安装scrapy时候出现需要vc c++ 10,有时安装其他也会有. 解决方法:安装vc 2010,安装过2017无效,安装过程也不一样. 问题二: 安装好,出现Could not find function xmlCheckVersion in library libxml2. Is libxml2 installed? 解决办法: 1.pip install wheel 2. 到http://…
昨天开始遭遇这个问题,今天再次遭遇. 疑似问题发生在写代码的窗口中复制/粘贴时(有待进一步确认触发条件),突然停止响应,出现下面的对话框: 对话框中的文字为: Waiting for a required operation to complete. This dialog will close when the operation completes. 过了一段时间,该对话框消失,VS2013左下角的状态栏显示下面的状态: 状态栏的文字为: Waiting for a required ope…
本文转自:http://binarylies.ghost.io/cordova-ionic-in-visual-studio/ Hi everyone, I thought about lending a hand to all the people that are, as I have been recently, exploring Cordova and all its features for the first time. For the ones still trying to f…
Updated 22/Apr/2016: The NuGet package is now being uploaded daily. The payload doesn’t change every day but you should see new bug fixes and/or feature updates every five days or so. Look for a blog post on this topic soon! Last November we announce…
原文地址:https://docs.asp.net/en/latest/data/ef-mvc/intro.html The Contoso University sample web application demonstrates how to create ASP.NET Core 1.0 MVC web applications using Entity Framework Core 1.0 and Visual Studio 2015. Contoso University网络应用的案…
.NET Memory Allocation Profiling with Visual Studio 2012 This post was written by Stephen Toub, a frequent contributor to the Parallel Programming in .NET blog. He shows us how Visual Studio 2012 and an attention to detail can help you discover unnec…
http://brightguo.com/make-debugging-faster-with-visual-studio/ Have you ever been frustrated by slow debugging in Visual Studio? While we work hard to bring you a fast debugging experience, there are a lot of complex knobs that can affect the perform…
installation Download .NET Core SDK installer and install it. https://www.microsoft.com/net/download .NET Core SDK = Develop apps with .NET Core and the SDK+CLI (Software Development Kit/Command Line Interface) tools Install Visual Studio Code Instal…
本文转自:http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/g_arora/getting-started-with-node-js-tools-for-visual-studio/ Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. What Node.JS is 3. How to install Node.JS 4. Let's Start by Creation of a Simple App Pre-requites Create S…