Problem The 20 commonly occurring amino acids are abbreviated by using 20 letters from the English alphabet (all letters except for B, J, O, U, X, and Z). Protein strings are constructed from these 20 symbols. Henceforth, the term genetic string will…
The top 100 papers Nature explores the most-cited research of all time. The discovery of high-temperature superconductors, the determination of DNA’s double-helix structure, the first observations that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating —…
注:从进入生信领域到现在,已经过去快8年了.生物信息学包含了我最喜欢的三门学科:生物学.计算机科学和数学.但是如果突然问起,什么是生物信息学,我还是无法给出一个让自己满意的答案.于是便有了这篇博客. 起源 据说在1970年,荷兰科学家Paulien Hogeweg和Ben Hesper最早在荷兰语中创造了"bioinformatica"一词,英语中的"bioinformatics" 在1978年首次被使用.这两位科学家当时使用该词来表示: The study of…
Problem An RNA string is a string formed from the alphabet containing 'A', 'C', 'G', and 'U'. Given a DNA string tt corresponding to a coding strand, its transcribed RNA string uu is formed by replacing all occurrences of 'T' in tt with 'U' in uu. Gi…
单细胞转录组确实是利器,但我们大多只利用了表达的信息,而从reads到表达之间的信息完全被我们忽略了. 最近nature发了一篇单细胞方法类文章,讲得就是如何利用RNA velocity来做细胞发育路径的推断. velocyto velocyto-notebooks RNA velocity of single cells 首先需要了解一些基本概念: RNA velocity:the time derivative of the gene expression state—can be dire…
冷冻电镜 为什么冷冻电镜 (Cryo-EM) 技术的发明可以获得2017诺贝尔化学奖?知乎看法 Press release: The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017 We may soon have detailed images of life’s complex machineries in atomic resolution. 不久的将来,我们所有的生命复合体机器都能得到精确的原子层次的分辨结构. Electron microscopes were long b…