src: Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an XML standard that allows secure web domains to exchange user authentication and authorization data. Using SAML, an online… vCenter Single Sign On 5.1 best practices Posted by Eiad Al-Aqqad on Mar.28, 2013 in vCenter SSO, vSphere Since vCent…
os中,是你项目的bundle id 和 连接的微博开发账户里面的bundle id 不一致造成的. 特别是,你把你注册的appKey放到你下载的官方的demo里面测试,肯定会出现这种情况, 所以,你的appKey只能用在你自己的项目里面…
Which hash algorithom to choose for new application: Argon2[*7] is the winner of the password hashing competition and should be considered as your first choice for new applications; We can…
翻译自CodeProject网站ASP.NET9月份最佳文章:Single Sign On (SSO) for cross-domain ASP.NET applications. 翻译不妥之处还望大家多多指导.相互交流. 文章分为两部分:架构设计和程序实现,此为第一篇即:架构设计或者叫设计蓝图(Part-I - The design blue print).:) 简介 周一的早晨,当你正在纳闷周末咋就一眨眼过去了并对接下来漫长的一周感到无比蛋疼之时,你收到了一份Email. 操蛋的是它既不是微…