vsphere 处理NUMA】的更多相关文章

vsphere 4.1 之前: cpu调度会将一个VM的分配给一个home node,整个vm被看做一个NUMA client. 如果VM的vCPU数量超过一个NUMA node的可用数量,则不被看做一个NUMA client,vCPU平均分配到每个Node上. NUMA优化就没有了,因为无法整合到一个Node里头.而且会有远程访问内存的性能问题. 4.1引入了wide VM. 会划分更小的NUMA client. 内存访问性能提升25%到50% 工作负载的再平衡. 使用"relaxed co-…
vsphere 5.1性能最佳实践http://www.vmware.com/pdf/Perf_Best_Practices_vSphere5.1.pdf vNUMA 要求:硬件版本8以上. 1.整个cluster中的所有主机具备匹配的NUMA构架的话,启用vNUMA会得到最大的性能提升. 当vm启动的时候它的vNUMA结构会根据底层的NUMA结构设定.而且初始化后不会变化,除非更改了vCPU的数量. 如果vm从一个主机vMotion到另外一个主机上,而该目的主机的NUMA结构和源主机不一致,则…
各版本中的新特性及功能对比:   VMware vSphere 5.0 VMware vSphere 5.1 VMware vSphere 5.5 VMware vSphere 6.0 ESXi 5.0 兼容性(即虚拟硬件 8) 5.1 兼容性(虚拟硬件 9) 5.5 兼容性(虚拟硬件 10) 6.0 兼容性(虚拟硬件 11) 32 个虚拟 CPU/1 TB RAM 64 个虚拟 CPU/1 TB RAM 更完善的 3D 图形支持 128 个虚拟 CPU/4 TB RAM 基于软件的 3D 图形…
http://www.elasticvision.info/ All you should know about NUMA in VMware! Lets try answering some typical questions before we understand NUMA on VMware.1. What is NUMA?Ans: NON-UNIFORM-MEMORY-ACCESS,  means that it will take longer to access some regi…
http://vxpertise.net/2012/06/summarizing-numa-scheduling/ Sitting on my sofa this morning watching Scrubs, I was thinking about the NUMA related considerations in vSphere – yes, I am a nerd. I read about this for the first time back in the days of vS…
NUMA and vNUMA posted by szamosattila on march 04, 2012Tutorial, Virtualization With the spread of SMP (Symmetric Multi-Processing) systems a new scalability issue came up: CPU-memory communication became a bottleneck (again.) In spite of the newest…
1.关于CPU负载.extop显示的结果 如果CPU load average>=1,说明主机过载了. 如果PCPU used%在80%左右说明良好,90%以上就临近过载了. VM赋予过多的vCPU可能消耗更多资源,尤其是在负载很重的主机上. 例如,单线程负载运行在多个vCPU的VM上或者多线程负载运行在一个超过其需要的vCPU数量的VM上. Most guest operating systems execute an idle loop during periods of inactivit…
vNUMA介绍 http://virtualbarker.com/ vSphere VMware Performance With every release of vSphere the overhead of running an application on the vSphere virtualized platform is reduced by the new performance improving features. Typical virtualization overhea…
参考文章:http://www.boche.net/blog/index.php/2010/10/21/cpu-ready-to-rdy-conversion/ http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1026063 好文:http://frankdenneman.nl/2010/09/13/esx-4-1-numa-scheduling/ h…
目录 文章目录 目录 写在前面 计算平台体系结构 SMP 对称多处理结构 NUMA 非统一内存访问结构 MPP 大规模并行处理结构 Linux 上的 NUMA 基本对象概念 NUMA 调度策略 获取宿主机的 NUMA 拓扑 Nova 实现的 NUMA 亲和 Nova 定义的 NUMA 对象概念 实现 NUMA 亲和的背景 操作系统发行版许可证(Licensing) CPU 拓扑对性能的影响 CPU 架构对性能的影响 超线程对性能的影响 NUMA Topology Guest NUMA Topol…