vSS: vSwitches are configured on each ESXi/ESX host. vDS: The configuration of vDS is centralized to vCenter Server. The ESXi/ESX 4.x and ESXi 5.x hosts that belong to a dvSwitch do not need further configuration to be compliant.   These features are…
Using LACP with a vSphere Distributed Switch 5.1 by Chris Wahl on Oct 15th, 2012 | 6,347 views One of the more exciting and eagerly anticipated announcements in vSphere 5.1 (at least for me) were all the distributed switch enhancements. Among the new…
参考博客: https://www.cnblogs.com/balingybj/p/5751707.html  Switch的思考 Switch与If--else的比较 switch...case与if...else的根本区别在于, switch...case会生成一个跳转表来指示实际的case分支的地址,而这个跳转表的索引号与switch变量的值是相等的.从而,switch...case不用像if...else那样遍历条件分支直到命中条件,而只需访问对应索引号的表项从而到达定位分支的目的. 具…
第三章 选择语句 3.1选择语句--Switch switch语句格式: ```java switch(表达式){ case 常量值1: 语句体1; break; case 常量值2: 语句体2; break; default: 语句体 break; } ``` 执行流程 首先计算出表达式 其次,和case依次比较,一旦有对应的值,就会执行相应的语句,在执行的过程中,遇到break就会结束 最后如果所有的case都和表达式的值不匹配,就会执行default语句具体部分,然后程序结束 案例: pu…
break 使用break结束循环  break可以终止循环 和 switch语句的运行; break用于结束一个循环,即跳出循环体,执行循环体之后的代码: switch 使用continue提前结束本次循环 return return关键字不是专门用于结束循环,return的功能时结束一个方法.当一个方法遇到return语句时,这个方法将被结束. 方法结束 , 执行权回到方法调用处 : continue与break的区别  …
1.  一般情况下,它们两个语句可以相互替换 2.  switch..case语句通常处理case为比较确定值的情况,而if...else...语句更加灵活,常用于范围判断(大于.等于某个范围) 3.  switch语句进行条件判断后直接执行到程序的条件语句,效率更高.而if..else语句有几种条件,就得判断少次. 4.  当分支比较少时,if...else语句的执行效率比switch语句高. 5.  当分支比较多时,switch语句的执行效率比较高,而且结构更清晰.…
http://www.raspberry-pi-geek.com/Archive/2013/01/Adding-an-On-Off-switch-to-your-Raspberry-Pi#article_f5 Which Switch? Aaron Shaw Pulling the plug on your Pi without an orderly shutdown can corrupt the SD card. Also, many users prefer a convenient sw…
How long does it take to make a context switch?   FROM: http://blog.tsunanet.net/2010/11/how-long-does-it-take-to-make-context.html That's a interesting question I'm willing to spend some of my time on. Someone at StumbleUpon emitted the hypothesis t…
FROM: http://blog.tsunanet.net/2010/11/how-long-does-it-take-to-make-context.html That's a interesting question I'm willing to spend some of my time on. Someone at StumbleUpon emitted the hypothesis that with all the improvements in the Nehalem archi…
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