1.Different people deserve different tasks; Once team roles are settled, there comes along a lot of other questions, such as how to manage team intellectual property properly, or how to deal with team-confl…
Different people deserve different tasks; Once team roles are settled, there comes along a lot of other questions, such as how to manage team intellectual property properly, or how to deal with team-conflicts. How to write your test cases so that you…
BUAA Advanced Software Engineering Project: Individual Project - Word frequency program Ryan Mao (毛宇)-1106116_11061171 Implement a console application to tally the frequency of words under a directory (2 modes). 1) Before you implement this project…
Assembly and diploid architecture of an individual human genome via single-molecule technologies 文章链接:专业版" PacBio 遇到 BioNano" (三代测序那些事儿 第十二期) 前两天发表在Nature Mehtods一篇联合PacBio与BioNano数据组装人类基因组的文章在行业里引起了不小的震动(这其实也不是PacBio在动植物组装中的第一次表现了),大家惊讶的发现,原来大型…
问题现象:Checking project dependencies...Compiling Project1.dproj (Debug, Android)dcc command line for "Project1.dpr"[DCC Fatal Error] Project1.dpr(1): F1027 Unit not found: 'System.pas' or binary equivalents (.dcu/.o)FailedElapsed time: 00:00:00.1…
问题现象:[致命错误] Project1.dpr(1): Unit not found: 'System.pas' or binary equivalents (DCU,DPU) 问题原因:由于删除DCU出现的.在D:\delphi\Borland\Delphi7\Lib;下有DCU,删除就会出现上面的错误 问题处理:找个D7的电脑,复制所有的DCU到上面的目录中,就可以了.…
Note that this is just for version 0.7, and possibly higher if they don’t change the API again. I’m writing an iPhone app right now using PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile on the phone, and node.js and on an Amazon EC2 server, and I hit…