LeetCode OJ 31. Next Permutation】的更多相关文章

31. Next Permutation Total Accepted: 54346 Total Submissions: 212155 Difficulty: Medium Implement next permutation, which rearranges numbers into the lexicographically next greater permutation of numbers. If such arrangement is not possible, it must…
写这题时脑子比较混乱,重写了一遍wiki大佬的解法. 算法: According to Wikipedia, a man named Narayana Pandita presented the following simple algorithm to solve this problem in the 14th century. Find the largest index k such that nums[k] < nums[k + 1]. If no such index exists,…
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-'''__author__ = 'dabay.wang@gmail.com' 31: Next Permutationhttps://oj.leetcode.com/problems/next-permutation/ Implement next permutation, which rearranges numbers into the lexicographically next greater permutation of numbers.If…
leetcode - 31. Next Permutation - Medium descrition Implement next permutation, which rearranges numbers into the lexicographically next greater permutation of numbers. If such arrangement is not possible, it must rearrange it as the lowest possible…
LeetCode 31 Next Permutation / 60 Permutation Sequence [Permutation] <c++> LeetCode 31 Next Permutation 给出一个序列,求其下一个排列 STL中有std::next_permutation这个方法可以直接拿来用 也可以写一个实现程序: 从右往左遍历序列,找到第一个nums[i-1]<num[i]的位置,记p = i-1. 如果第一步没有找到,说明整个序列满足单调递减,也就是最大的排列,那…
31. Next Permutation Problem's Link ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mean: 给定一个数列,求这个数列字典序的下一个排列. analyse: next_permutation函数的运用. Time complexity: O(N) view code class Solution{public:    void nextPermutati…
题目链接 31. Next Permutation 题意 给定一段排列,输出其升序相邻的下一段排列.比如[1,3,2]的下一段排列为[2,1,3]. 注意排列呈环形,即[3,2,1]的下一段排列为[1,2,3] 思路 这个题蛮巧妙的,关键在于发现规律.假如给定的排列为[4,6,7,5],那么其下一段排列应该为[4,7,5,6] 我们可以看到除了首位的4保持不动外,后三位均发生了改变.我们可以把[4,6,7,5]看成是[4,6,5,7] -> [4,7,5,6] 这里的6称为旋转点,我们先把旋转点…
博客搬至blog.csgrandeur.com,cnblogs不再更新. 新的题解会更新在新博客:http://blog.csgrandeur.com/2014/01/15/LeetCode-OJ-Solution/ ———————————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————————— LeetCode OJ 题解 LeetCode OJ is a platform for preparing tech…
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