Personal Photo Experience Proposal】的更多相关文章

  Background:             Our smart phones are the most widely-used cameras now, more and more photos are taken by our phones. You may find that there are so many photos in your phone albums, and it costs so much time for you to search some special p…
In the process of our Personal Photo Experience Project, There are some bugs which hinder our forwards. But through our spirit of perserverance,We have already fixed them and make our product more excellent. So following are some bug list and the how…
Customer Problems & Needs People may take a large number of photos and their phone don't have enough space to store them, however some of the photos are duplicated and low-quality, which should be removed. They have difficulty in searching the photos…
内容提要: ******Personal Photo Experience可供您存放所有的私人照片,系统会自动整理内容,您可以借助搜索功能快速找到所需图片,同时过滤重复图片和低质量图片,给您全新的搜索体验,是您独一无二的照片管理助手. 可视化搜索:可根据照片的时间.地点和内容搜索图片,想要搜索去年夏天在长城拍过的照片,即使没有相关标记,只需要搜索“last summer.The Great Wall”就可以得到您想要的结果. 搜索建议:如果您对搜索的关键词只有模糊的印象,我们可以给您提供搜索建议…
这周我们主要focus在personal photo experience 项目的ios图形界面设计与代码整合工作上. 工作进度: 1. 图形界面设计方面:兆阳和敏龙基本已经将ios手机客户端的雏形界面完成.已经完成的feature有 登陆界面:                        主搜索界面:                              结果界面:            处理等待界面:                               图片放大界面:     …
Paper about Event Detection. #@author: gr #@date: 2014-03-15 #@email: 看一些相关的论文. 1. <Efficient Visual Event Detection using Volumetric Features> ICCV 2005 扩展2D box 特征到3D时空特征. 构建一个实时的检测器基于容积特征. 采用传统的兴趣点方法检测事件. 2. <ARMA-HMM: A New…
===================BETA RELEASE FEATRURE LIST==================== 1. Log in and account manager for every user: private for every user. 2. Good UI design and comfortable users' experience: running smoothly and apply for the latest IOS9. 3. Personal p…
系统环境Debian 8,内核版本 一.首先来安装nginx服务程序:  1.安装nginx服务需要的相关程序(记得在root权限下操作下面的指令) aptitude install libpcre3 libpcre3-dev libpcrecpp0 libssl-dev zlib1g-dev 2.接下就下载nginx的源码配置安装,如下所示 注:在运行.configure文件的时候出现下面的错误,./configure: error: SSL modules require the OpenS…
  目录(?)[+]   1.搜狗实验室数据集: 互联网图片库来自sogou图片搜索所索引的部分数据.其中收集了包括人物.动物.建筑.机械.风景.运动等类别,总数高达2,836,535张图片.对于每张图片,数据集中给出了图片的原图.缩略图.所在网页以及所在网页中的相关文本.200多G 2 IMAGECLEF致力于位图片相关领域提供一个基准(检索.分类.标注等等) Cross…
Administering your Windows Azure AD tenant 19 out of 20 rated this helpful - Rate this topic Published: April 16, 2012 Updated: June 3, 2013 Applies To: Office 365, Windows Azure, Windows Intune Note This topic provides online help content for cloud…