Console Description Windows & Linux Mac Move cursor to Console Ctrl+2 Ctrl+2 Clear console Ctrl+L Command+L Move cursor to beginning of line Home Command+Left Move cursor to end of line End Command+Right Navigate command history Up/Down Up/Down Popup…
Mousetrap is a simple library for handling keyboard shortcuts in Javascript. It is around 2kb minified and gzipped and 4.5kb minified, has no external dependencies, and has been tested in the following browsers: Internet Explorer 6+ Safari Firefox Ch…
Using keyboard shortcuts To use a keyboard shortcut, press a modifier key at the same time as a character key. For example, pressing the Command key (it has a ⌘ symbol) and then the "c" key copies whatever is currently selected to the Clipboard.…
General 常用Ctrl+Shift+P, F1 Show Command Palette 显示命令行Ctrl+P Quick Open, Go to File… 快速打开Ctrl+Shift+N New window/instance 新建窗口Ctrl+Shift+W Close window/instance关闭窗口Ctrl+, User Settings 用户设置Ctrl+K Ctrl+S Keyboard Shortcuts 快捷键Basic editing 基本编辑Ctrl+X C…
本文转自: The complete list of keyboard shortcuts for UiPath Studio: File Management Ctrl + Shift + N - Creates a new Blank Process. Ctrl + O - Enables you to open a previously created workflow, eithe…
Navigation To do this Press this Open a new window Ctrl + N Open a new tab Ctrl + T Open a new window in incognito mode Ctrl + Shift + N Open a file from your computer in Google Chrome Press Ctrl + O, then select file Open the link in a new tab in th…
原文: 1. Calling Run CommandWin + r Start Run command 2. Windows Toolswinver Windows Version calc Open Calculator cmd…
Sublime Text 3快捷键 Ctrl + Shift + P 打开命令面板 Ctrl + P 搜索项目中的文件 Ctrl + G 跳到第几行 Ctrl + W 关闭当前打开文件 Ctrl + Shift + W 关闭所有打开文件 Ctrl + Shift + V 粘贴并格式化 Ctrl + D 选择单词,重复可增加选择下一个相同的单词 Ctrl + L 选择行,重复可依次增加选择下一行 Ctrl + Shift + L 选择多行 Ctrl + Shift + Enter 在当前行前插入新…
转载自: Jupyter notebook, formerly known as the IPython notebook, is a flexible tool that helps you create readable analyses, as you can keep code, images, comments, formulae and plots…
原文地址: Editors are an integral part of a programmer’s life. If you have good proficiency in using an editor thats a great advantage. It comes very handy to debug. Traditional notepad and SOPs (System.…
Keyboard Shortcuts - Windows/Linux Warning This topic is a draft and may contain wrong information. Editing Keypress Command Ctrl + X Cut line Ctrl + ↩ Insert line after Ctrl + ⇧ + ↩ Insert line before Ctrl + ⇧ + ↑ Move line/selection up Ctrl + ⇧ + ↓…
mac上的快捷键,尽量是选择像我用vs studio上靠近. ctrl+K+S: 显示快捷键列 ctrl+shift+p: 系统配置命令行 ctrl+p:项目中文件列表,选择文件 Alt+M:当前文件的函数列表 (Go to symbol in File) Alt+shift+O:显示所有符号(Go to all symbols) cmd+shift+e:项目结构浏览图 Alt+G:目录中搜索 Ctrl+f:文件中搜索 Alt+1: goto definition ctrl+1: go to r…
Default Keyboard Shortcut Schemes All ReSharper actions can be invoked with keyboard shortcuts. Most of the actions have default shortcuts, which you can use out of the box. For the rest of the actions, you can assign a preferred shortcut keys if nee…
Visual Studio Code (简称 VS Code)是由微软研发的一款免费.开源的跨平台文本(代码)编辑器.在我看来它是「一款完美的编辑器」. 本文是有关 VS Code 的特性介绍与配置指南,相关设置主要针对 Mac OS X 平台.在快捷键部分, ⌘ 指 Command 键,⇧ 指 Shift 键,⌃ 指 Control 键,⌥ 指 Option/Alt 键. 1. Visual Studio Code 特性简介 1.1 Git 集成 如上图所示,VS Code 默认集成了 Git…
0x00 前言 一周多以前的微软的Build大会上,微软发布了一个让很多人眼前一亮的工具,也是本文的主角——Visual Studio Code.很多使用Windows的朋友都很高兴,认为又多了一个很不错的文档编辑器.不过匹夫更关心的是它的跨平台能力,这不,匹夫偷得半日闲,写篇小文来聊聊在Mac上如何使用Visual Studio Code编译和调试C#代码,最后匹夫也会尝试把Visual Studio Code嵌入Unity3D中,作为一个准“IDE”使用. 0x01 Visual Studi…
AUTO-COMPLETE/AUTO-SUGGEST Auto-complete using Vaadin Offer auto-suggest or auto-complete to help your users increase efficiency and reduce errors. You can even create a grouped and formatted set of suggestionslike Apple does. CAROUSEL/COVERFLOW Caro…
注:本文将会不定期维护与更新,有需要的朋友请在 Github 上订阅该条 Issues:<全新 Mac 安装指南(通用篇)>. 在 Mac 电脑上只用 Windows 操作系统的同学请看到这里后直接绕道,呵呵. 爱好编程的朋友们浏览完此文后请继续参考阅读 <全新 Mac 安装指南(编程篇)>. 推荐设置 总的来说,Mac 系统不需要做什么特别的设置,但以下几条建议对逼格提升很有帮助. 1.设置语言为英文 因为很多软件和系统设置的叫法用英文更为统一,所以可以很好的利用 Mac 内置的…