转自: https://studygolang.com/articles/11313 golang中是没有class的,但是有一个结构体struct,有点类似,他没有像java,c++中继承的概念,但是他有一个类似功能的结构嵌入 简单的结构体声明和使用 type User struct{ name string age int address string } user:= User{name:"测试",age:10} user.address="广州市" f.Pr…
program WriteStruct; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils; //写入结构体 type TCustomer = record ID: ]; Code: ]; Name: ]; end; var Customers: ..] of TCustomer; i: Integer; myText: file of TCustomer; //file of type type必须是固定大小的,不能是对象, String, Variant等 customer:…
题目来自于COMP20003 Tutorial 2: Program m ing Challenge 2.2 The technology stack at Hidebound Inc. uses a subset of C w hich doesn't have the '.' or '->'operators, as the higher-ups heard shortcuts like this w ere useful in an activity called "code gol…