转自:http://sixrevisions.com/web-development/site-speed-performance/ Web page speed and performance is very important to the user experience. If your site is too slow, you’ll not only be losing visitors, but also potential customers. Search engines lik…
10 Tips for Writing the Perfect Paper Like a gourmet meal or an old master painting, the perfect college paper is carefully constructed – not thrown together the night before it’s due.   Each part is just right, and the pieces are assembled to form t…
出发点 http://www.tuicool.com/articles/A7VrE33 阅读中文版本<编写质优代码的十个技巧>,对于我编码十年的经验,也有相同感受, 太多的坑趟过,太多的经历走过,对良好编码的技巧,只能说更加心有灵犀. 下面从英文原版阅读,结合自己的理解,尝试注解下作者的观点. 注解 -- 原文见下网址 https://cdiggins.github.io/blog/programming-tips.html 10 Tips for Writing Better Code 注:…
本来要自己翻译的,随手搜索了一下,发现五天前已经有人翻译了,我就不重复发明轮子了. 转自:http://blog.csdn.net/yutianzuijin/article/details/26289257 前不久在微博上看到一篇很好的短文讲如何对C/C++进行性能优化,虽然其面向的领域是图形学中的光线跟踪,但是还是具有普遍的意义,将其翻译成中文,希望对大家写高质量代码有帮助. 1.     牢记阿姆达尔定律:   其中表示函数func运行时间占总时间的百分比,表示对该函数加速获得的加速比. 例…
前不久在微博上看到一篇非常好的短文讲怎样对C/C++进行性能优化,尽管其面向的领域是图形学中的光线跟踪,可是还是具有普遍的意义,将其翻译成中文,希望对大家写高质量代码有帮助. 1.     牢记阿姆达尔定律:加速比== 当中表示函数func执行时间占总时间的百分比,表示对该函数加速获得的加速比. 比如,你优化一个函数TriangleIntersect(),该函数的执行时间占总时间的40%,优化之后执行时间缩短一半,则整个代码会获得25%的性能提升. 这个公式告诉我们不经常使用的代码(比如场景载入…
We live in a very exciting time. Never before has education been so cheaply available to the masses (if not free). The medium, itself, has made tectonic shifts from a classroom setting, to blogs, screencasts and complete university classes, as a set…
神经网络的表现 在Training Set上表现不好 ----> 可能陷入局部最优 在Testing Set上表现不好 -----> Overfitting 过拟合 虽然在机器学习中,很容易通过SVM等方法在Training Set上得出好的结果,但DL不是,所以得先看Training Set上的表现. 要注意方法适用的阶段: 比如:dropout方法只适合于:在Training Data上表现好,在Testing Data上表现不好的. 如果在Training Data上就表现不好了,那么这…
原链接地址:http://www.artzstudio.com/2016/07/website-speed-optimization-guide-for-google-pagespeed-rules/  Website Speed Optimization Guide for Google PageSpeed Rules By Dave Artz  1 week ago  6  534 0   Page Speed/Site speed is termed as the speed with w…
.NET Publishing your ASP.NET App to Linux in 5 minutes with Docker Integrating AngularJS with ASP.NET MVC New Features in Visual Studio 2015 | 2013 | 2012 | 2010 .NET Generics under the hood Golang A Pattern for Optimizing Go Collecting NGINX Plus Mo…
转自:https://javarevisited.blogspot.com/2018/01/10-unit-testing-and-integration-tools-for-java-programmers.html#ixzz60s1lBt5p 一些很不错的测试框架整理 In last a couple of weeks, I have written some articles about what Java developer should learn in 2019 e.g. progr…