第三周:浅层神经网络(Shallow neural networks) 3.1 神经网络概述(Neural Network Overview) 使用符号$ ^{[…
========================================================================================== 最近一直在看Deep Learning,各类博客.论文看得不少 但是说实话,这样做有些疏于实现,一来呢自己的电脑也不是很好,二来呢我目前也没能力自己去写一个toolbox 只是跟着Andrew Ng的UFLDL tutorial 写了些已有框架的代码(这部分的代码见github) 后来发现了一个matlab的Deep…
Logistic Regression with a Neural Network mindset Welcome to the first (required) programming exercise of the deep learning specialization. In this notebook you will build your first image recognition algorithm. You will build a cat classifier that r…
1.What does the analogy “AI is the new electricity” refer to?  (B) A. Through the “smart grid”, AI is delivering a new wave of electricity. B. Similar to electricity starting about 100 years ago, AI is transforming multiple industries. C. AI is power…
Frequently Asked Questions Congratulations to be part of the first class of the Deep Learning Specialization! This form is here to help you find the answers to the commonly asked questions. We will update it as we receive new questions that we think…
Python Basics with numpy (optional)Welcome to your first (Optional) programming exercise of the deep learning specialization. In this assignment you will: - Learn how to use numpy. - Implement some basic core deep learning functions such as the softm…
1. Understand the major trends driving the rise of deep learning.2. Be able to explain how deep learning is applied to supervised learning.3. Understand what are the major categories of models (such as CNNs and RNNs), and when they should be applied.…
1. Build a logistic regression model, structured as a shallow neural network2. Implement the main steps of an ML algorithm, including making predictions, derivative computation, and gradient descent.3. Implement computationally efficient, highly vect…
Please note that when you are working on the programming exercise you will find comments that say "# GRADED FUNCTION: functionName". Do not edit that comment. The function in that code block will be graded. 1) What is a Jupyter notebook? A Jupyt…
--------------------------------------------------中文翻译----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.神经元的计算是什么?(B) A. 在将输出应用到激活函数之前, 神经元计算所有特征的平均值 B. 神经元计算一个线性函数 (z = Wx + b), 然后是一个激活函数 C. 神经元计算一个激活函数, 后跟一…
Coursera课程<Neural Networks and Deep Learning> deeplearning.ai Week2 Neural Networks Basics 2.1 Logistic Regression as a Neutral Network 2.1.1 Binary Classification 二分类 逻辑回归是一个用于二分类(binary classification)的算法.首先我们从一个问题开始说起,这里有一个二分类问题的例子,假如你有一张图片作为输入,比…
Coursera课程<Neural Networks and Deep Learning> deeplearning.ai Week1 Introduction to deep learning What is a Neural Network? 让我们从一个房价预测的例子开始讲起. 假设你有一个数据集,它包含了六栋房子的信息.所以,你知道房屋的面积是多少平方英尺或者平方米,并且知道房屋价格.这时,你想要拟合一个根据房屋面积预测房价的函数. 如果使用线性回归进行拟合,那么可以拟合出一条直线.但…
Lesson 1 Neural Network and Deep Learning 这篇文章其实是 Coursera 上吴恩达老师的深度学习专业课程的第一门课程的课程笔记. 参考了其他人的笔记继续归纳的. 逻辑回归 (Logistic Regression) 逻辑回归的定义 神经网络的训练过程可以分为前向传播(forward propagation) 和反向传播 (backward propagation) 的 过程.我们通过逻辑回归的例子进行说明. 逻辑回归是一个用于二分类 (binary c…
最近花了半个多月把Mchiael Nielsen所写的Neural Networks and Deep Learning这本书看了一遍,受益匪浅. 该书英文原版地址地址:http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/ 回顾一下这本书主要讲的内容 1.使用神经网络识别手写数字 作者从感知器模型引申到S型神经元.然后再到神经网络的结构.并用一个三层神经网络结构来进行手写数字识别, 作者详细介绍了神经网络学习所使用到梯度下降法,由于当训练输入数量过大时,学习过程将变…
近期開始看一些深度学习的资料.想学习一下深度学习的基础知识.找到了一个比較好的tutorial,Neural Networks and Deep Learning,认真看完了之后觉得收获还是非常多的.从最主要的感知机開始讲起.到后来使用logistic函数作为激活函数的sigmoid neuron,和非常多其它如今深度学习中常使用的trick. 把深度学习的一个发展过程讲得非常清楚,并且还有非常多源代码和实验帮助理解.看完了整个tutorial后打算再又一次梳理一遍,来写点总结.以后再看其它资料…
Neural Networks and Deep Learning This is the first course of the deep learning specialization at Coursera which is moderated by moderated by DeepLearning.ai. The course is taught by Andrew Ng. Introduction to deep learning Be able to explain the maj…
About this Course If you want to break into cutting-edge AI, this course will help you do so. Deep learning engineers are highly sought after, and mastering deep learning will give you numerous new career opportunities. Deep learning is also a new "s…
Week 1 Quiz - Practical aspects of deep learning(第一周测验 - 深度学习的实践) \1. If you have 10,000,000 examples, how would you split the train/dev/test set? (如果你有 10,000,000 个样本,你会如何划分训练/开发/测试集?) [ ]98% train . 1% dev . 1% test(训练集占 98% , 开发集占 1% , 测试集占 1%) 答案…
neural network and deep learning 这本书看了陆陆续续看了好几遍了,但每次都会有不一样的收获. DL领域的paper日新月异.每天都会有非常多新的idea出来,我想.深入阅读经典书籍和paper,一定能够从中发现remian open的问题.从而有不一样的视角. PS:blog主要摘取书中重要内容简述. 摘要部分 Neural networks, a beautiful biologically-inspired programming paradigm which…
<Neural Network and Deep Learning>_chapter4: A visual proof that neural nets can compute any function文章总结(前三章翻译在百度云里) 链接:http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/chap4.html: Michael Nielsen的<Neural Network and Deep Learning>教程中的第四章主要是证明神经网络可以用…
翻译: How to do Deep Learning on Graphs with Graph Convolutional Networks 什么是图卷积网络 图卷积网络是一个在图上进行操作的神经网络.给定一个图\(G=(E,V)\) ,一个GCN的输入包括: 一个输入特征矩阵X,其维度是\(N\times F^0\) ,其中N是节点的数目,\(F^0\)是每个节点输入特征的数目 一个\(N \times N\)的对于图结构的表示的矩阵,例如G的邻接矩阵A GCN的一个隐藏层可以写成\(H^i…
14 TEMPORAL GRAPH NETWORKS FOR DEEP LEARNING ON DYNAMIC GRAPHS link:https://scholar.google.com.hk/scholar_url?url=https://arxiv.org/pdf/2006.10637.pdf%3Fref%3Dhttps://githubhelp.com&hl=zh-TW&sa=X&ei=oVakYtvtIo74yASQ1Jj4AQ&scisig=AAGBfm0bNv…
http://www.cnblogs.com/tornadomeet/archive/2013/05/05/3061457.html 前言: 本节主要是来简单介绍下stacked CNN(深度卷积网络),起源于本人在构建SAE网络时的一点困惑:见Deep learning:三十六(关于构建深度卷积SAE网络的一点困惑).因为有时候针对大图片进行recognition时,需要用到无监督学习的方法去pre-training(预训练)stacked CNN的每层网络,然后用BP算法对整个网络进行fin…
第四周:深层神经网络(Deep Neural Networks) 深层神经网络(Deep L-layer neural network) 目前为止我们学习了只有一个单独隐藏层的神经网络的正向传播和反向传播,还有逻辑回归,并且你还学到了向量化,这在随机初始化权重时是很重要.本周所要做的是把这些理念集合起来,就可以执行你自己的深度神经网络. 严格上来说逻辑回归也是一个一层的神经网络,浅与深仅仅是指一种程度.有一个隐藏层的神经网络,就是一个两层神经网络.当我们算神经网络的层数时,我们不算输入层,我们只…
第一周:深度学习引言(Introduction to Deep Learning) 欢迎(Welcome) 深度学习改变了传统互联网业务,例如如网络搜索和广告.但是深度学习同时也使得许多新产品和企业以很多方式帮助人们,从获得更好的健康关注. 深度学习做的非常好的一个方面就是读取 X 光图像,到生活中的个性化教育,到精准化农业,甚至到驾驶汽车以及其它一些方面.如果你想要学习深度学习的这些工具,并应用它们来做这些令人窒息的操作,本课程将帮助你做到这一点.当你完成 cousera 上面的这一系列专项课…
Deep Neural Network - Application Congratulations! Welcome to the fourth programming exercise of the deep learning specialization. You will now use everything you have learned to build a deep neural network that classifies cat vs. non-cat images. In…
Understand the key computations underlying deep learning, use them to build and train deep neural networks, and apply it to computer vision. 学习目标 See deep neural networks as successive blocks put one after each other Build and train a deep L-layer Ne…
Planar data classification with a hidden layer Welcome to the second programming exercise of the deep learning specialization. In this notebook you will generate red and blue points to form a flower. You will then fit a neural network to correctly cl…
Convolutional Neural Networks https://www.coursera.org/learn/convolutional-neural-networks/home/welcome There are still something confuse me! working how to paste the jupyter here.................................................... Convolutional Neur…
1 Introduction to Deep Learning 介绍了神经网络的定义,有监督学习,分析了为什么深度学习会崛起 1.1 结构化数据/非结构化数据 结构化数据:有一个确切的数据库,有key-value索引 非结构化数据:音频.图像等.没有确定的结构 1.2 为什么深度学习会兴起 数据规模.算力提升.算法创新 2 Neural Networks Basics 如何把逻辑回归问题当作一个神经网络,如何使用python,如何向量化 2.1 二分类问题 标签0代表不是猫,标签1代表猫 图片信…