The fundamental knowledge of Node JS.】的更多相关文章

D3 JSJava scirpt is an awesome language for Internface Design.All Obejcts in JavaScirpt could be used as an argument to pass around. Important Objects:d3var width = 500;var height = 500; svg obeject:var canvas ="body") .append("s…
本文转自: Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. What Node.JS is 3. How to install Node.JS 4. Let's Start by Creation of a Simple App Pre-requites Create S…
项目组用到了 Node.js,发现下面这篇文章不错.转发一下.原文地址:<原文>. ------------------------------------------- A chatroom for all! Part 1 - Introduction to Node.js Rami Sayar 4 Sep 2014 11:00 AM 7 This node.js tutorial series will help you build a node.js powered real-time…
今天开始会和大熊君{{bb}}一起着手翻译node的系列外文书籍,大熊负责翻译<Node.js IN ACTION>一书,而我暂时负责翻译这本<Hands-on Node.js>(下载),为方便理解不采用直译的方式,若有翻译不当的地方还请不吝赐教,我会及时堪正. 引言 在09年欧洲JSConf大会上,一位叫做Ryan Dahl的年轻程序员介绍了一项他所负责的项目.该项目结合了谷歌V8 Javascript引擎以及event loop机制,从而可以使用JS来创建服务端平台.该项目跟其…
Posted on April 20th, 2012 under Node.js Tags: ASCII, Buffer, Encoding, node.js, UTF So how do you encode a string to base64 is Node.js? Is there something easy like base64_encode() of PHP's? Node.js 'being' JavaScript, has a more logical approach to…
本文转自: Angular is a single page application framework. Unfortunately, that does not mean that you don't require a server for certain tasks. After all, your data has to be served from somewhere... But d… Node.js Addons are dynamically-linked shared objects, written in C or C++, that can be loaded into Node.js using the de style="line-height: 1.5em; font-family: Monaco, Consolas, 'Lucida Console', monospa…
Node.js NPM Tutorial – How to Get Started with NPM? NPM is the core of any application that is developed in Node.js. It provides huge sets of libraries which acts as great tools for the Node.js developers and speeds up the complete application develo…
一.一个简单的node程序 1.新建一个txt文件 2.修改后缀 修改之后会弹出这个,点击"是" 3.运行test.js 源文件 使用node.js运行之后的. 如果该路径下没有该文件,会报错 4.运行test2.js 二.模块简单使用 为了编写可维护的代码,我们把很多函数分组,分别放到不同的文件里,这样,每个文件包含的代码就相对较少,很多编程语言都采用这种组织代码的方式.在Node环境中,一个.js文件就称之为一个模块(module). 模块化的开发的好处:提高代码的可维护性,避免修…
1.net模块基本API 要使用Node.js的net模块实现一个命令行聊天室,就必须先了解NET模块的API使用.NET模块API分为两大类:Server和Socket类.工厂方法. Server类如下图所示: net.Server类可以用来创建一个TCP或本地服务器,继承了EventEmitter. Socket类如下: net.Socket类一般用创建一个socket客户端或者是net.Server connection事件的参数. 工厂方法如下: 以上三个图展示了API的使用,其实NET…