KYOCERA Programming Contest 2021(AtCoder Beginner Contest 200) 题解 哦淦我已经菜到被ABC吊打了. A - Century 首先把当前年份减去\(1\),对应的世纪也减去\(1\),然后我们就发现第\(0\)到\(99\)年对应第\(0\)世纪,第\(100\)到\(199\)年对应第\(1\)世纪,以此类推. 答案就是\(\lfloor \frac {N-1} {100} \rfloor\).这里\(\lfloor x \rflo…
AtCoder Beginner Contest 184 题解 目录 AtCoder Beginner Contest 184 题解 A - Determinant B - Quizzes C - Super Ryuma D - increment of coins E - Third Avenue F - Programming Contest 这把怎么感觉题目都比以往的ABC水啊,拜此所赐我只是程序写得慢就排名狂掉( A - Determinant 求二阶矩阵的行列式,是小学常见自定义题目(…
Aising Programming Contest 2022(AtCoder Beginner Contest 255) - AtCoder E - Lucky Numbers 题意: 给两个数组a,b,构成一个S数组,保证S[i]+S[i]+1==a[i],问S数组中出现的元素中,与b数组相同的最多有几个. 题解: 首先要知道,你确定了这个数组中的某一个值,那么其他的值也就确定了,所以,我们可以让最少有一个相同的,所以每个位置遍历b数组的几种数字. 首先我们构成一个第一位为0的S数组,然后可…
AtCoder Beginner Contest 177 题解 目录 AtCoder Beginner Contest 177 题解 A - Don't be late B - Substring C - Sum of product of pairs D - Friends E - Coprime F - I hate Shortest Path Problem A - Don't be late 问你能不能在时间\(T\)内用不高于\(S\)的速度走过\(D\)的路程,转化为判断\(ST\)…
AtCoder Beginner Contest 173 题解 目录 AtCoder Beginner Contest 173 题解 A - Payment B - Judge Status Summary C - H and V D - Chat in a Circle E - Multiplication 4 F - Intervals on Tree A - Payment 首先我们可以把所有不用找零的部分都付掉,这样就只剩下了\(A \mod 1000\)这样一个"\(A\)除以\(10…
AtCoder Beginner Contest 172 题解 目录 AtCoder Beginner Contest 172 题解 A - Calc B - Minor Change C - Tsundoku D - Sum of Divisors E - NEQ F - Unfair Nim A - Calc 程序如下(真的有人需要嘛): #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ ios::sync_with_stdi…
Tasks - AtCoder Beginner Contest 254 D - Together Square 题意: 给定一个N,找出所有不超过N的 ( i , j ),使得( i * j )是一个平方数. 题解: 首先要知道一个数学只是,如果i*j是平方数,那么i*j /(f(i)*f(j))也是平方数  (f(j)表示的是j的不超过j的最大平方数因子),然后因为i/f(i)一定可以被质数 p分割两次或更多,所以得到 i/f(i)=j/f(j)) #include<bits/stdc++.…
A - Rating Goal Time limit : 2sec / Memory limit : 256MB Score : 100 points Problem Statement Takahashi is a user of a site that hosts programming contests.When a user competes in a contest, the rating of the user (not necessarily an integer) changes…
A - ABCxxx Time limit : 2sec / Memory limit : 256MB Score : 100 points Problem Statement This contest, AtCoder Beginner Contest, is abbreviated as ABC. When we refer to a specific round of ABC, a three-digit number is appended after ABC. For example,…
人生第一场 AtCoder,纪念一下 话说年后的 AtCoder 比赛怎么这么少啊(大雾 AtCoder Beginner Contest 154 题解 A - Remaining Balls We have A balls with the string S written on each of them and B balls with the string T written on each of them. From these balls, Takahashi chooses one…