linux下数据库实例开机自启动设置 1.改动/oratab [root@org54 ~]# vi/etc/oratab --把N改为Y,例如以下提示 # This file is used by ORACLEutilities. It is created by # and updated by the Database ConfigurationAssistant when creating # a database. # A colon, ':', is used…
Oracle单实例情况下的library cache pin的问题模拟与问题分析 參考自: WAITEVENT: "library cache pin" Reference Note (文档 ID 34579.1) How to Find the Blocker of the 'library cache pin' in a RAC environment? (文档 ID 780514.1) 本机环境:Oracle x86-64bit for RHEL5.8 x86-…