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If you've found yourself here, I'm guessing that you're getting Assembly - CSharp - Editor - first pass.dll error message and want to find an effective solution to fix this error. You should know for sure that you have to fix this error ASAP, otherwi…
这份代码的思路来自于国外EES组织的Aphex.基本上所有的无DLL Download都是利用的这种方法.其实也就是用烂了的远程注入法.不过注入的对象不是一个DLL,而是本身的一个过程.下面是代码,由于本人专业知识不够,可能有些说法不太专业.请大家凑合着看.有不懂的请跟贴. program InjectTheSelf; {$IMAGEBASE $13140000} uses Windows, Urlmon; procedure Download;  //下载过程begin  URLDownloa…
[PHP];;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; About php.ini   ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PHP's initialization file, generally called php.ini, is responsible for; configuring many of the aspects of PHP's behavior.; php的初始化文件,通常叫做php.ini,负责配置php很多层面的行为; PHP attempts to find an…
[PHP] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; About php.ini ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; This file controls many aspects of PHP’s behavior. In order for PHP to ; read it, it must be named ‘php.ini’. PHP looks for it in the current ; working directory, in the path designate…
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2. Use notepad to open httpd.conf config file. Make use the line "LoadModule rewrite_module modules/" is un-commented. 3. Under "<directory XXX></directory>" section, change the line "AllowOverride None&q…
Sql2008支持php的擴展插件  全部         我下載的 官方文档有描述: In its continued commitment to interoperability, Microsoft has released an up…
これはKanColleViewerためのプラグインです,KanColleViewerの機能を拡張する. #介绍 / Introduction / 紹介这是一个KanColleViewer(俗称”提督很忙”)用的插件(Plugin),用于增强KanColleViewer的功能.This is a plugin for KanColleViewer to enhance the function of it.これはKanColleViewerためのプラグインです,KanColleViewerの機能を…
WNMP 指"Windows 下的 Nginx.MariaDB/MySQL 和 PHP 环境". 下载 Nginx: MariaDB: PHP: RunHiddenConsole:…