本文转自:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/42696948/how-can-i-install-the-vs2017-version-of-msbuild-on-a-build-server-without-instal The Visual Studio Build tools are a different download than the IDE. They appear to be a pretty small subset. On the Vis…
12down votefavorite 8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31748278/how-do-you-install-mysql-connector-python-development-version-through-pip/34027037#34027037 I have a virtualenv in which I am running Django 1.8 with Python 3.4 I am trying to get supp…
root@hett-PowerEdge-T30:/usr/local/src/nginx-1.9.8# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nginx  --add-module=/usr/local/src/nginx-rtmp-module  --with-htchecking for OS + Linux 4.4.0-116-generic x86_64checking for C compiler ... found + using GNU C compile…
"This file could not be checked in because the original version of the file on the server was moved or deleted. A new version of this file has been saved to the server, but your check-in comments were not saved---To save comments with the new version…
转载 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10206090/how-to-install-an-older-version-of-package-via-nuget ry the following: Uninstall-Package Newtonsoft.Json -Force followed by: Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json -Version <press tab key for autocomplete> twi…
今天调试Silverlight出现了以下错误: 意思是“无法启动调试,因为Silverlight Developer Runtime没有安装,请安装一个匹配的版本”.但是按Ctrl + F5可以调试运行,不对啊,前几天还好好的,今天怎么就不行了呢? 突然想起来,前几天Silverlight升级了,于是卸载Silverlight SDK重装,还是有这个错误.下面给出解决办法: 卸载Microsoft Silverlight 然后重装Silverlight4_Tools.exe,或者解压Silver…
Citrix Xen sucks! When u try to install linux stuff on its Xen servers, u will get an error complaining errors like below: ' ......the bootloader for this VM returned an error -- did the VM installation succeed? INVALID_SOURCE Unable to access a requ…
部署WEB应用程序: 1.在模板机上新建IIS站点 2.安装WebDeploy后在IIS控制台中导出站点为应用程序包 其站点在新虚机上必须存在,否则会报错,如下: 应用程序(C:\ProgramData\VirtualMachineManagerData\CacheResources\671f29283e96463fba29bc6586d31133\Site02_NoApp.zip.WebDeploy)安装操作在虚拟机(SERVICEVM00002)上失败.DetailedErrorMessag…
其实这篇的内容官方文档都有, 但是既然打算记录一下学习笔记, 也就先从安装开始了. 一 下载源代码 进入github下载最新release的源码压缩包. windows选择zip, 下载完成之后右键解压缩. 进入kbengine目录, 里面有三个文件夹: assets\docs\kbe assets是游戏项目资产库, 也就是我们之后要编写脚本的地方 docs是kbengine的文档, 包括使用和API手册 kbe里面是kbengine核心的代码, 类库, 配置和工具之类 目录结构的详细说明请看这…