What are the guidelines for uploading a LaTeX formatted manuscript? 1. Always upload the main LaTeX file first. 2. Upload all supporting files. ALL style sheets, reference files, bibliography files, etc, that are referred to in the main .TEX file a…
该模板在哪里下载? http://www.springer.com/computer/image+processing/journal/11263, Instructions for Authors,Text中下载 nannan投稿IJCV,发现参考文献格式有问题,找了很久也没找到原因.后来看spbasic.bst(有三个bst文件,选哪个呢?该文件前面有说明: For Springer medical, life sciences, chemistry, geology, engineerin…
sjhstone ,本科EE在读 vczh等 276 人赞同 [Word公式进阶请往下翻]有人还写过论文,参见PLOS ONE: An Efficiency Comparison of Document Preparation Systems Used in Academic Research and Development在我看来,最大的优点在于 数学公式的自动编号和交叉引用 文件干净,随手记事本或者Vim或者nano都能编辑,不像Word的docx解压以后一堆人眼无法阅读的xml文档 因为文…