Largest Submatrix of All 1’s Given a m-by-n (0,1)-matrix, of all its submatrices of all 1’s which is the largest? By largest we mean that the submatrix has the most elements. Input The input contains multiple test cases. Each test case begins with m …
POJ 3494 Largest Submatrix of All 1’s Description Given a m-by-n (0,1)-matrix, of all its submatrices of all 1’s which is the largest? By largest we mean that the submatrix has the most elements. Input The input contains multiple test cases. Each tes…
Largest Submatrix of All 1’s Time Limit: 5000MS   Memory Limit: 131072K Total Submissions: 5883   Accepted: 2217 Case Time Limit: 2000MS Description Given a m-by-n (0,1)-matrix, of all its submatrices of all 1’s which is the largest? By largest we me… Largest Rectangle in a Histogram Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 12297   Accepted: 3974 Description A histogram is a polygon composed of a sequence of rectangles aligned at a common base lin…
Description A histogram is a polygon composed of a sequence of rectangles aligned at a common base line. The rectangles have equal widths but may have different heights. For example, the figure on the left shows the histogram that consists of rectang…
Description A histogram is a polygon composed of a sequence of rectangles aligned at a common base line. The rectangles have equal widths but may have different heights. For example, the figure on the left shows the histogram that consists of rectang…
Description A histogram is a polygon composed of a sequence of rectangles aligned at a common base line. The rectangles have equal widths but may have different heights. For example, the figure on the left shows the histogram that consists of rectang…
Largest Rectangle in a Histogram 题目链接(点击)来源poj 2559 A histogram is a polygon composed of a sequence of rectangles aligned at a common base line. The rectangles have equal widths but may have different heights. For example, the figure on the left show…
题目链接 对栈的一种灵活运用吧算是,希望我的注释写的足够清晰.. #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; ; int Stack[N]; //Stack[]为单调栈(即每次能入栈的元素值必比栈顶元素(若存在)要大) int len[N]; //len[]与Stack[]同步 ,记录的是从Stack[]中对应元素起向左最大可延伸的宽度 int n; LL top,ans,h; void print()…
类型:单调栈 传送门:>Here< 题意:给出若干宽度相同的矩形的高度(条形统计图),求最大子矩形面积 解题思路 单调栈的经典题 显然,最终的子矩形高度一定和某一个矩形相等(反证).因此一个暴力的做法就是枚举每一个矩形,然后往两边扩散.在它左侧找到第一个高度比它小的,右侧也一样.则可以求出最大可扩散宽度,乘上高度即可以更新答案.复杂度$O(n^2)$ 如果说要优化刚才的算法,也就可以优化寻找最大可扩散宽度的速度 让每一个矩形依次入栈,保存两个关键字:矩形高度,其最大左扩散宽度.保证栈内的矩形高…