Registering services in the Container - We can easily replace a component with one created by ourselves or a third party.- We have full control of the object initialization, allowing us to set these objects, as needed before delivering them to compon…
小结: 1. Dependency Injection is merely one concrete example of Inversion of Control. 依赖注入是仅仅是控制反转的一个具体例子. 2. Dependency Injection helps in gluing these classes together and at the same time keeping them independent. 依赖注入既使类粘合又使类分离. 3. For example, cla…
原文: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Understanding Inversion of…
end Framework 2 使用ServiceManager(简称SM)来实现控制反转(IoC).有很多资料介绍了service managers的背景,我推荐大家看看this blog post from Evan和 this post from Reese Wilson,但是仍然有很多开发者不能够很好地使用ServiceManager去解决他们的需求.这篇文章我将解释为什么ZF2框架需要使用多个服务管理器以及怎样使用它们.主要包含以下几个方面: 这些不同的服务管理器是什么? 不同的服务管…
In the Java community there's been a rush of lightweight containers that help to assemble components from different projects into a cohesive application. Underlying these containers is a common pattern to how they perform the wiring, a concept they r… One of the entertaining things about the enterprise Java world is the huge amount of activity in building alternatives to the mainstream J2EE technologies, much of it happening in open source. A lot of…
原文地址: n the Java community there's been a rush of lightweight containers that help to assemble components from different projects into a cohesive application. Underlying these containers is a common pat…
续上集,接着要说明如何运用 DI 来让刚才的范例程序具备执行时期切换实现类型的能力. (本文摘自電子書<.NET 依賴注入>) 入门范例—DI 版本 为了让 AuthenticationService 类型能够在执行时期才决定要使用 EmailService 还是 ShortMessageService 来发送验证码,我们必须对这些类型动点小手术,把它们之间原本紧密耦合的关系松开——或者说「解耦合」.有一个很有效的工具可以用来解耦合:接口(interface). 说得更明白些,原本 Authe…
这篇文章主要讲解 core 依赖注入的一些内容. ASP.NET Core支持依赖注入.这是一种在类和其依赖之间实现控制反转的一种技术(IOC). 一.依赖注入概述 1.原始的代码 依赖就是一个对象的创建需要另一个对象.下面的MyDependency是应用中其他类需要的依赖: public class MyDependency { public MyDependency() { } public Task WriteMessage(string message) { Console…
ASP.NET Core使用了大量的DI(Dependency Injection)设计,有用过Autofac或类似的DI Framework对此应该不陌生.本篇将介绍ASP.NET Core的依赖注入. DI运作方式 ASP.NET Core的DI是采用Constructor Injection,也就是说会把实例化的物件从建构子传入.例如: 12345678910 public class HomeController : Controller{ private readonly ISampl…