Provides a function named as "mex_opencv(src)" The code function mex_opencv(src) ARC = 'x64'; BIN_PATH = ['D:\libs\cv\2.4.10\', ARC ,'\vc12.0\bin']; INC_OPT = '-ID:\libs\cv\2.4.10\include\opencv '; INC_OPT = [INC_OPT, '-ID:\libs\cv\2.4.10\includ…
正常情况下,编写好matlab调用opencv的代码. 1.输入   MEX XX.CPP(所有的mex都要编译) 2.将生成的.mexw64 放到要调用的文件夹下即可 出错总结: 本人写的matlab调用opencv的代码: 本代码路径:D:\visual studio demo\Rect2 1.配置:严格按照之前配置的文章进行配置 2.编译 3运行 运行时提示错误,代码本身没有问题.但是在matlab中编译生成的mexw64  调用时会出现如上错误,原因未知. 现解决办法如下. 代码的功能:…
Install and Compile MatConvNet: CNNs for MATLAB --- Deep Learning framework 2017-04-18  10:19:35 If you want to use matlab convnet, you just install according to the following tutorials: 1. Download and unzip the original source file from: http://www…
环境: VS2010 活动解决方案平台x64 WIN 8.1 Opencv 2.4.3 Matlab 2012a 1.  首先保证vs2010能正确调用opencv函数, 2.  Matlab中选择编译器,操作如下: 打开matlab2012,输入mex –setup,出现如下提示: Welcome to mex -setup.  This utility will help you set up a default compiler.  For a list of supported comp…
convert Matlab matrix to OpenCV Mat. Support CV_32FC3 only currently. The Code int matlab2opencv(cv::Mat &img, const mxArray *&mat){ mwSize num_dims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(mat); const mwSize *dims = mxGetDimensions(mat); //for (int i = 0; i <…
原文地址百度账户 aleasa123 方式1 1.  首先保证vs2010能正确调用opencv函数, 2.  Matlab中选择编译器,操作如下: 打开matlab2012,输入mex –setup,出现如下提示: Welcome to mex -setup. This utility will help you set up a default compiler. For a list of supported compilers, see…
在本文中,稀疏表示的原理不再具体讲解,有需要的同学请自行百度. 本文采用OMP算法来求解稀疏系数.首先随机生成字典数据和待测试数据 字典数据: dic =[ 6, 7, 9, 9, 7, 0, 6, 3, 6, 9; 1, 8, 7, 8, 5, 3, 8, 1, 7, 3; 3, 3, 5, 4, 8, 2, 6, 1, 2, 2; 6, 1, 0, 7, 3, 5, 0, 6, 3, 3; 7, 5, 0, 5, 3, 0, 2, 7, 1, 7]; 这是一个5*10的矩阵,行数代表维度,列…
Qt 支持的图片格式如下: Format Description Qt's support BMP Windows Bitmap Read/write GIF Graphic Interchange Format (optional) Read JPG Joint Photographic Experts Group Read/write JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group Read/write PNG Portable Network Graphics…
Install the extension in VS Code Open the command palette using Ctrl+Shift+P Type ext install Matlab in the command palette Select MATLAB as a language On the bottom-right corner, click on the select language mode button, if you have created a new fi…
上一篇博客写了k-means聚类算法和改进的k-means算法.这篇博客就贴出相应的MATLAB和C++代码. 下面是MATLAB代码,实现用k-means进行切割: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 功能:实现怎样利用Kmeans聚类实现图像的切割. 时间:2015-07 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function kmeans_segmentation() clear;c…