I have 2 servers, each in two separate locations. I need to host an application on one, and the database server on the other. From the app server, if I ping the database server, on average I get about 30ms. My question is: When I query the database f…
What is Isomorphisms?We have a value x, then apply function 'to' and 'from' to value 'x', the result we should still get 'x'. // from(to(x)) == x // to(from(y)) == y So Isomorphisms is kind of opreation able to tranform a value back and forward witho…
题目链接:http://poj.org/problem?id=1041 题目: 题意:给你n条街道,m个路口,每次输入以0 0结束,给你的u v t分别表示路口u和v由t这条街道连接,要输出从起点出发又回到起点的字典序最小的路径,如果达不到输出Round trip does not exist. 思路:首先得判断是否存在欧拉回路,如果不存在则输出“Round trip does not exist.”.记录每个路口的度,如果存在度为奇数得路口则是不存在欧拉回路得图,否则用mp[u][t]=v来表…