CF1019E Raining season】的更多相关文章 题解 \[ dis=day*a+b \] \[ b=-day*a+dis \] 然后就变成了斜率优化. 考虑边分治,每次把两边的凸包求出来. 然后再把两边的凸包做闵可夫斯基和求出新的凸包. 最后把分治求的的所有凸包上的点再做一次凸包即可得到答案凸包. 代码 #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define N 200007 #define M 1000009 using namespace…
题意:给一棵树每条边有a,b两个值,给你一个m,表示从0到m-1,假设当前为i,那么每条边的权值是a*i+b,求该树任意两点的最大权值 题解:首先我们需要维护出(a,b)的凸壳,对于每个i在上面三分即可,点对用树分治维护,假设当前重心是u,那么把u的直接儿子挨个合并凸壳,这一过程用闵可夫斯基和维护,set启发式合并. //#pragma GCC optimize(2) //#pragma GCC optimize(3) //#pragma GCC optimize(4) //#pragma GC…
1250. Sea Burial Time limit: 1.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB There is Archipelago in the middle of a shoreless ocean. An ancient tribe of cannibals lives there. Shamans of this race have been communicating with gods and admonishing people for ages. The…
Season 1, Episode 22: Flight -Franklin: You know you got a couple of foxes in your henhouse, right? fox: 狐狸 henhouse: 鸡舍 你的队伍里都是一群狐狸 -Michael: They both want out of here. both: 两者都 他们都想出去 They'll behave until then. behave: 举止端正 出去前都会安分的 -Franklin: Lo…
Season 1, Episode 21: Go -Michael: I need you to let me get us out of here. 我需要你帮我出去 -Patoshik: If you try to screw me over again, I'll kill you screw: [俚语]诈骗  again: 再一次 你再戏弄我,我就杀了你 -doctor: Because if crazy steps out of line, crazy: 疯狂的 step: 措施,举措…
Season 1, Episode 20: Tonight -Pope: I want him under 24hour surveillance. surveillance: 监视 保证24小时监视住他 -Sarah: I have to be there when they kill this man. kill: 杀掉 他们行刑的时候我必须在那里 The least you could do is review his case. least: 最少 review: 检阅 case: 情形…
Season 1, Episode 19: The Key -Kellerman: WeusedtohaveaGreatDane, Dane: 丹麦大狗 我们以前有一只大丹犬 bigandwild. wild: 野蛮的 又大又凶 Whenshewas12,shegotcancer,sowe cancer: 癌症 她12岁时得了癌症 hadtoputherdown. 我们不得不了结了她 Andyoucouldthinkitwouldbe 你以为那场面 hisbig,dramaticevent,bu…
Season 1, Episode 18: Bluff -Michael: Scofield Scofield Michael Scofield Michael Scofield -Patoshik: Doesn't ring a bell 记不起来 -Michael: wind back a while in Gen Pop Cell 40 cell: 囚室 回忆一下大牢房40号囚室? -Patoshik: Gen Pop 大牢房 -Michael: General Population. O…
Season 1, Episode 17: J-Cat -Pope: Hey, that's looking good. 嗨,看起来真棒 You're making some real progress. real: 真正的   progress: 进展 你大有进展啊 -Michael: The plaster adds a lot of weight. I may have to add reinforcements. plaster: 石膏 add: 增加 weight: 重量  reinf…
Season 1, Episode 16 -Burrows:Don't be. It's not your fault. 不要,不是你的错 -Fernando: Know what I like? 知道我喜欢什么? -Maricruz: Hmm? 恩 -Fernando: How after we make love... 我们做完以后 you get this little puddle of water in your belly button. puddle: 水坑  belly: 腹部,…