IPv6 have colon character, for example FF:00::EEIf concatenate URL String, IPv6 URL will like: http://FF:00::EE:8888/a/b/cActually we want: http://[FF:00::EE]:8888/a/b/cSimply concatenate URL will cause error. Take above line for example. If not use…
import strings func IsIPv4(address string) bool { return strings.Count(address, ":") < } func IsIPv6(address string) bool { return strings.Count(address, ":") >= }…
在设置本地IP地址的时候,一些人会疑惑IPv4与IPv6的区别是什么?下面由学习啦小编为你分享ipv4与ipv6的区别的相关内容,希望对大家有所帮助. ipv4与ipv6的区别 在windows 7以上系统中,在设置本地IP地址的时候经常会看到同事含有IPV4协议项与IPV6协议项,并不同于以往windows xp系统中仅有TCP/IP协议项,不少朋友都觉得比较奇怪,询问编辑IPv4与IPv6的区别,下面编辑就为大家权威的介绍下IPv4与IPv6有什么区别. 目前的全球因特网所采用的协议族是TC…
创建ipv4和ipv6的socket,同时监听某个端口的ipv4和ipv6报文,运行时bind函数执行失败,提示“bind: Address already in use”.原因:ipv6的socket默认情况下也会接收ipv4地址的报文,不同的socket不能监听同样的ip同样的端口.方法:设置ipv6的socket只接收ipv6地址的报文 ; ) { perror("setsockopt"); ; }…
RFC2474 - Definition of the Differentiated Services Field (DS Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers英文版 来源:http://www.hackhome.com/InfoView/127892_full.html Network Working Group K. NicholsRequest for Comments: 2474 Cisco SystemsObsoletes: 1455, 1349 S.…
URL: http://lite.ip2location.com/ Use the code below to convert the IP address of your web visitors and lookup for their geographical location, e.g. country, state, city, latitude/longitude, ZIPs, timezone and so on. Free database can be downloaded a…
https://4sysops.com/archives/ipv6-tutorial-part-4-ipv6-address-syntax/ Now that you know about the new features of IPv6, it is time to have a closer look at the practical details. In this post, I will give a short summary about the IPv6 address synta…
一.TCP socket ipv6与ipv4的区别 服务器端源代码如下: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/wait.h>…
1. 双协议栈 ( Dual Stack, RFC2893 ) 主机同时运行IPv4和IPv6两套协议栈,同时支持两套协议. 2. 隧道技术 ( Tunnel, RFC2893 ) 这种机制用来在IPv4网络之上连接IPv6的站点,站点可以是一台主机,也可以是多个主机.隧道技术将IPv6的分组封装到IPv4的分组中,封装后的IPv4分组将通过IPv4的路由体系传输,分组报头的"协议" 域设置为41,指示这个分组的负载是一个IPv6的分组,以便在适当的地方恢复出被封装的IPv6分组并传送…
windows下获取IP地址的两种方法: 一种可以获取IPv4和IPv6,但是需要WSAStartup: 一种只能取到IPv4,但是不需要WSAStartup: 如下: 方法一:(可以获取IPv4和IPv6) #define _WINSOCK_DEPRECATED_NO_WARNINGS #include <Winsock2.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #inclu…