Lesson 10 Not for jazz】的更多相关文章

Text We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord. It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living room. It has belonged to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. R…
数据库对象TableViewSequenceIndexSynonym 对象名称最长30个字符,不能与当前用户下其他对象重名.create table "select" as select * from emp;select * from "select"; 必须有创建表的权限CREATE TABLE [schema.]table (column datatype [DEFAULT expr][, ...]); conn / as sysdba;create user…
课程大纲: 1. shell特性 命令历史 history !!  !$  !n  !字符 Tab 键可以补全文件路径或者命令 alias  a=“b”  unalias a 通配符 *匹配零个或多个字符 ?匹配一个字符 输入输出重定向 >, >>,  <,  2>, 2>> 管道符 | 作业控制 ctrl+z, jobs,  fg,  bg 2. 变量 系统变量名都是大写,echo 可以查看变量名 env 可以列出当前用户的所有环境变量以及用户自定义全局变量 s…
CTRL+C CTRL+D :前者用于结束一个程序,后者用于结束终端输入. --符号 *:匹配任意长度的任意字符 ?:匹配任意一个字符 #: shell 中表注释 \: 脱意符号 []:任意属于字符组的字符 {}:将大括号中的字符串以及前导字符串和后继字符串作为匹配条件 >>:附加到指定文件的结尾 >:输出重定向 <:输入重定向 |:管道符,用于连接多个命令,前一个命令的输出作为后一个命令的输入 ||:逻辑或 &&:逻辑与,前面命令成功后执行后面命令 &:在…
这个课程的参考视频和图片来自youtube. 主要学到的知识点有:(the same use in C/C++) 1. x++, x += 1; similar x--, x -= 1; x *= 2; x /= 2. x++ : Plus 1 after  the line is executed. similar x-- x = 2; System.out.printf(" x is now : %d", x++); System.out.printf(" x is :…
What does the computer industry thrive on apart from anarchy? Technology trends may push Silicon Valley back to the future. Carver Mead, a pioneer in intergrated circuits and a professor of computer science at the California Institude of Technology,…
Lesson 9 A cold welcome 冷遇 What does 'a cold welcome' refer to?On Wednesday evening, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. It would strike twelve in twenty minute…
原文地址:http://www.script-tutorials.com/html5-game-development-lesson-10/ 最后我们将继续使用canvas来进行HTML5游戏开发系列的文章.今天我准备了一个新游戏--SkyWalker.这游戏基本上算是一个射击模拟类型的游戏(有飞机和敌人).我们的目标是到达终点线.该游戏有几个关键的特征:使用了精灵来处理飞机和爆炸,可以按下多个按键(比如你可以移动飞机的同时发射子弹),a certain level length,增强的碰撞检测…
Lesson 10 The loss of Titanic The great ship, Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th, 1912. She was carrying 1316 passengers and a crew of 89l. Even by modern standards, the 46,000 ton Titanic was a colossal ship. At that time, h…
1.引言 由于项目需要,需要学习OGC相关地图标准,包括WMS.WFS.GML.SLD等,只是国内相关书籍大家都懂的,特向Google大师请教,得一秘籍<Open Web Mapping>——来自于世界名校美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学的在线地图学课程GEOE585. 2.课程概览 课程最终目标:使用开发源码软件和OGC标准规范进行Web地图应用程序的设计.开发和实施应用. 多说无益,看下图自然明了.几乎涵盖了OGC所有地图常用标准和规范. 3.课程目录 Lesson 0: Orientation L…