“玲珑杯”ACM比赛 Round #1】的更多相关文章

我能说我比较傻么!就只能做一道签到题,没办法,我就先写下A题的题解&源码吧,日后补上剩余题的题解&源码吧!                                     A -- Niro plays Galaxy Note 7                    Time Limit:1s Memory Limit:128MByte DESCRIPTION Niro, a lovely girl, has bought a Galaxy Note 7 and wants to…
A -- simple math problem Time Limit:2s Memory Limit:128MByte Submissions:1599Solved:270 SAMPLE INPUT 5 20 1314 SAMPLE OUTPUT 5 21 1317 SOLUTION “玲珑杯”ACM比赛 Round #19 题目链接:http://www.ifrog.cc/acm/problem/1145 分析: 这个题解是官方写法,官方代码如下: #include <iostream>…
“玲珑杯”ACM比赛 Round #19 Start Time:2017-07-29 14:00:00 End Time:2017-07-29 16:30:00 Refresh Time:2017-07-29 16:42:55 Private B -- Buildings Time Limit:2s Memory Limit:128MByte Submissions:590Solved:151 DESCRIPTION There are nn buildings lined up, and th…
Start Time:2016-08-20 13:00:00 End Time:2016-08-20 18:00:00 Refresh Time:2017-11-12 19:51:52 Public A -- Absolute Defeat Time Limit:2s Memory Limit:64MByte Submissions:394Solved:119 DESCRIPTION Eric has an array of integers a1,a2,...,ana1,a2,...,an.…
“玲珑杯”ACM比赛 Round #18 Start Time:2017-07-15 12:00:00 End Time:2017-07-15 15:46:00 A -- 计算几何你瞎暴力 Time Limit:5s Memory Limit:256MByte Submissions:1764Solved:348 DESCRIPTION 今天HHHH考完了期末考试,他在教学楼里闲逛,他看着教学楼里一间间的教室,于是开始思考: 如果从一个坐标为 (x1,y1,z1)(x1,y1,z1)的教室走到(…
A:DESCRIPTION Eric has an array of integers a1,a2,...,ana1,a2,...,an. Every time, he can choose a contiguous subsequence of length kk and increase every integer in the contiguous subsequence by 11. He wants the minimum value of the array is at least…
http://www.ifrog.cc/acm/problem/1054 问删除一个字符后的最小循环节是多少. 比赛的时候想不出,不知道怎么暴力. 赛后看了别人代码才晓得.唉,还以为自己字符串还不错,但是变了一点点就不懂了. 1.可以暴力枚举循环节长度i,必要条件是(lenstr - 1) % i == 0.这是必须的,因为必须是倍数,关于约数的个数:(不大) http://vfleaking.blog.163.com/blog/static/174807634201341913040467/…
题目链接   DESCRIPTION INPUT OUTPUT SAMPLE INPUT 1 4 2 1 2 5 2 3 5 3 4 5 5 5 SAMPLE OUTPUT 35 HINT 对于样例,我们将1和4匹配,2和3匹配,然后对2和3之间的边使用膜法,对3和4之间的边使用魔法 若出现爆栈问题,改栈方法请参考1093题目代码 1093地址:http://www.ifrog.cc/acm/problem/1093  代码地址:http://ideone.com/Wk24ET   思路:官方题…
1171 - 这个E大概是垃圾桶捡来的 Time Limit:2s Memory Limit:128MByte Submissions:138Solved:45 DESCRIPTION B君在做 CODE FESTIVAL 2017 qual B 遇到了这样的一道题目 http://code-festival-2017-qualb.contest.atcoder.jp/tasks/code_festival_2017_qualb_f 于是B君决定出一个加强版 输入一个字符串,将他重新排列,使得重…
A 题目链接:http://www.ifrog.cc/acm/problem/1111 分析:容易发现本题就是排序不等式, 将A数组与B数组分别排序之后, 答案即N∑i=1Ai×Bi 此题有坑,反正据我提交而言,一直RE,之后发现两个地方会出错,一是定义数组要放在main函数之前,第二是ans+=1LL*a[i]*b[i],如果少了1LL,结果肯定WA,这就是此题的亮点所在! #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std ; typedef long…