原文:https://medium.com/rungo/anatomy-of-channels-in-go-concurrency-in-go-1ec336086adb -------------------------------- What are the channels? A channel is a communication object using which goroutines can communicate with each other. Technically, a ch…
Golang高效食用秘籍 一.关于构建 1.1 go环境变量 $ go env // 查看go 的环境变量 其中 GOROOT 是golang 的安装路径 GOPATH 是go命令依赖的一个环境变量 可以理解为工作目录 1.2 go的整体开发目录 go_project // go_project为GOPATH目录 -- bin -- myApp1 // 编译生成 -- myApp2 // 编译生成 -- myApp3 // 编译生成 -- pkg -- src -- myApp1 // proj…
Rob pike发表过一个有名的演讲<Concurrency is not parallelism>(https://blog.golang.org/concurrency-is-not-parallelism), 演讲胶片在talks.golang.org中可以找到(https://talks.golang.org/2012/waza.slide#1), 演讲视频地址 :https://vimeo.com/49718712 以下是根据视频转换的文本信息. if you looked at t…
Go Concurrency Patterns: Timing out, moving on  GO并发模式: 超时, 继续前进 23 September 2010 Concurrent programming has its own idioms. A good example is timeouts. Although Go's channels do not support them directly, they are easy to implement. Say we want to…
原文:https://www.goinggo.net/2014/02/the-nature-of-channels-in-go.html The Nature Of Channels In Go 这篇文章关于channel讲解得非常好,深度形象.深入浅出.尤其是这两幅图,太厉害了.非常清楚,一目了然. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…
An introduction to using and visualizing channels in Go 原文:https://www.sohamkamani.com/blog/2017/08/24/golang-channels-explained/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- An introduction to using and visualizing chann…
小结: 1. When a goroutine sends a value to a channel, we can view the goroutine releases the ownership of some values. When a goroutine receives a value from a channel, we can view the goroutine acquires the ownerships of some values. Surely, there may…
https://blog.golang.org/pipelines Go Concurrency Patterns: Pipelines and cancellation Sameer Ajmani13 March 2014 Introduction Go's concurrency primitives make it easy to construct streaming data pipelines that make efficient use of I/O and multiple C…
<Concurrency>:http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/concurrency/index.html <Java并发结构>:http://ifeve.com/java-concurrency-constructs/ <Java并发性和多线程介绍>:http://ifeve.com/java-concurrency-thread-directory/ <Java并发编程从入门到精通>:htt…
前段时间在公司给大家分享GO语言的一些特性,然后讲到了并发概念,大家表示很迷茫,然后分享过程中我拿来了Rob Pike大神的Slides <Concurrency is not Parallelism>,反而搞的大家更迷茫了,看来大家丢了很多以前的基本知识.后来我就把Pike大神的slide和网上的一些牛人关于Cocurrency和Parallelism的观点做了整理,最终写了本文. 在Rob Pike的<Concurrency is not Parallelism>(http:/…