How Blink works】的更多相关文章

How Blink works Author: haraken@ Last update: 2018 Aug 14 Status: PUBLIC Working on Blink is not easy. It's not easy for new Blink developers because there are a lot of Blink-specific concepts and coding conventions that have been introduced to imple…
For Developers‎ > ‎Design Documents‎ > ‎ Multi-process Resource Loading 目录 1 This design doc needs update. Some figures contains stale information. 2 Background 3 Overview 4 Blink 5 Renderer 6 Browser 7 Cookies This design doc needs update. Some fig…
BIG NOTE After messing with this API for the last 2 months, the solution/s below are all not stable solutions, but they work in some/most cases, depends on your environment, so keep that in mind.   The solution The trick is to make windows 'think' th…
1. 背景 注解可以减少代码的开发量,spring提供了丰富的注解功能.我们可能会被问到,spring的注解到底是什么触发的呢?今天以spring最常使用的一个注解autowired来跟踪代码,进行debug. 2. Autowired的定义及作用 作用:Marks a constructor, field, setter method or config method as to be autowired by Spring's dependency injection facilities.…
[Unity][Heap sort]用Unity动态演示堆排序的过程 How Heap Sort Works 最近做了一个用Unity3D动态演示堆排序过程的程序. I've made this app to show how heap sort works recently. 效果图(Demo) 一图抵千言. A picture paints a thousand words. 堆排序(Heap Sort) 堆排序总是建立这样一个二叉树:其父结点总大于其子结点. Step 1: The fir…
转载自 How PhoneGap Works As we mentioned previously, a PhoneGap application is a “native-wrapped” web application. Let’s explore how the web application is “wrapped”. Many native…
<哈里·波特>的故事里面,魔法界的新闻报纸都是动画的,配图带有动画效果.能够回放新闻的主要场景. 初次看到这个,感觉还挺新鲜的.不过现在,Blink 这样的 App 可以让这个魔法世界的幻想距离现实更进一步. Blink 是 Microsoft 的一款 Windows Phone App 应用,它能够将一段视频进行处理,生成一个短动画图片,然后,你就可以在社交网站上共享这动画了. 当很多人都分享这些动画时,Blink 网站 的页面看上去就和哈里·波特魔法世界的报纸很像很像了. 接下来,只要 电…
Saying that Java is nice because it works on every OS is like saying that anal sex is nice because it works on every gender.…
Java Memory Management, with its built-in garbage collection, is one of the language's finest achievements. It allows developers to create new objects without worrying explicitly about memory allocation and deallocation, because the garbage collector…
不使用 delay() 函数而使 LED 闪烁 有些时候你需要同时做两件事.例如,你可能希望在读取按键按下状态同时让LED闪烁. 在这种情况下,你不能使用 delay(),因为Arduino程序会在delay()中停顿. 如果按键被按下的同时,Arduino正在暂停等待 delay()结束 ,你的程序也将会错过按键的按下. 这个演示展示了如何闪烁LED而不使用 delay().它点亮了LED,然后记录下时间.然后,每一次通过 loop()循环, 检查闪烁设置时间是否到达. 如果是,它的点亮或熄灭…