Ease of Use - Recording and Playback Functionality UFT provides 4 models to record a new test. Normal Recording: This is the default Recording mode that records the objects and the operations performed on the application under test. Analog Recording:…
Coding Standards Coding Standards are suggestions that will help us to write automation Scripts code using any language. Naming conventions for creating automation Script, objects, variables and procedures. Commenting standard in the scripting, Text…
参考了DotNetSpider示例, 感觉DotNetSpider太重了,它是一个比较完整的爬虫框架. 对比了以下各种无头浏览器,最终采用PuppeteerSharp+AngleSharp写一个爬虫示例. 和上面的博文一样,都是用汽车之家的https://store.mall.autohome.com.cn/83106681.html这个页面做数据采集示例. Headless Browsers A list of (almost) all headless web browsers in exi…
https://www.testingcircus.com/tell-me-about-yourself-6-sample-answers-software-testers/ Tell Me About Yourself is a very common software testing interview question. It is very important that one should answer this question impressively when you are i…
Posted In | Automation Testing, Mobile Testing, Software Testing Tools Nowadays automated tests are used during almost every testing process. This is not surprising, as properly organized automated testing greatly reduces time needed for a testing…
转自:https://javarevisited.blogspot.com/2018/01/10-unit-testing-and-integration-tools-for-java-programmers.html#ixzz60s1lBt5p 一些很不错的测试框架整理 In last a couple of weeks, I have written some articles about what Java developer should learn in 2019 e.g. progr…