Among RxJS flattening operators, switch is the most commonly used operator. However, it is important to get acquainted with mergeAll, another flattening operator which allows multiple concurrent inner observables. In this lesson we will explore merge…
Besides switch and mergeAll, RxJS also provides concatAll as a flattening operator. In this lesson we will see how concatAll handles concurrent inner Observables and how it is just mergeAll(1). const clickObservable = Rx.Observable .fromEvent(documen…
Higher order components will allow you to apply behaviors to multiple React components. So the idea is to create a high order component, then use this hight order component to create multi same behaivor component. So high order function is insdie fun…
When making a reusable component, you'll find that people often like to have the API they're most familiar with, so in this lesson we'll recreate the withToggle Higher Order Component using our new ConnectedToggle render prop component. function with…
Higher Order Reducers are simple reducer factories, that take a reducer as an argument and return a new reducer. In that new reducer, you can customize the behaviour of the original one which helps reducing the reducer logic. In this lesson, we'll se…
In some cases, you might need to pass a string from your intl messages.js file as a prop to a component. Instead of using react-intl components (which generate markup), we’ll use the injectIntl higher order component provided by react-intl. This will…
In this lesson we'll create a Higher Order Component (HOC) that takes care of the key property that React looks for when using map to create elements from a list. This HOC will allow us to wrap any component and it will take care of placing the keypr…
[CS61A] Lecture 5&6&7. Environments & Design & Functions Examples & Homework 2: Higher Order Functions Lecture Lecture 5. Environments 环境是编程语言中的一大命题,每个变量.函数都拥有它们所属的环境,也被称为作用域. 作用域在高阶函数中起到重要的作用,高阶函数中的变量因为作用域起到了状态的表示作用,使得多次调用特定的函数能够返回不同的…
old import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs'; @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class DataService { private dataSource = new BehaviorSubject(Object); public currentData = this.dataSource.asObservable…
You most likely already have data or properties in your template which are controlled by third-party components or updated using data binding. You can still use this data as stream by leveraging vue-rx's $watchAsObservable then chaining RxJS operator…