[译]Vulkan教程(12)图形管道基础之入门 Introduction 入门 Over the course of the next few chapters we'll be setting up a graphics pipeline that is configured to draw our first triangle. The graphics pipeline is the sequence of operations that take the vertices and te…
[易学易懂系列|rustlang语言|零基础|快速入门|(4)] Borrowing 继续讲讲另一个重要的概念:借用(borrowing), 什么是借用? 我们先来看前一文章([易学易懂系列|rustlang语言|零基础|快速入门|(3)])的代码 : let a = [1, 2, 3]; let b = a; println!("{:?} {:?}", a, b); *// [1, 2, 3] [1, 2, 3]* let a = vec![1, 2, 3]; let b =…
salesforce 零基础开发入门学习(五)异步进程介绍与数据批处理Batchable 本篇知识参考:https://developer.salesforce.com/trailhead/force_com_dev_intermediate/asynchronous_apex/async_apex_batch salesforce对于数据操纵个数以及次数有严格的限制,超过限制值则抛出异常. salesforce对于很多数据操纵的次数均有严格的限制.具体限制如下: Number of SOQ…
[易学易懂系列|rustlang语言|零基础|快速入门|(26)|实战3:Http服务器(多线程版本)] 项目实战 实战3:Http服务器 我们今天来进一步开发我们的Http服务器,用多线程实现. 我们在原来工程h_server更新代码如下: src/main.rs: use h_server::*; use std::fs; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::net::TcpListener; use std::net::TcpStream; fn main(…