Linux:CentOS7 python: 系统默认python版本2.7,利用python启动 自己安装python版本3.8,利用python3启动 问题描述: 在上述环境中利用virtualenvwrapper创建虚拟环境时,发生以下错误 /usr/bin/python: No module named virtualenvwrapper There was a problem running the initialization hooks.…
conda创建虚拟环境 1.查看包 conda list查看安装了哪些包 conda env list查看有哪些虚拟环境 conda -V查看conda的版本 2.创建虚拟环境,命名为myflaskapp,n就是指name:并安装flask包. Note that the conda create command requires that you give it the name of a package to install in the new environment. conda命令创建…