Interrupt intr Description 0 A clock that runs at the resolution set by ClockPeriod() 1 Keyboard 2 Slave 8259 — you can't attach to this interrupt. 3 Com2 4 Com1 5 Net card / sound card / other 6 Floppy 7 Parallel printer / sound card / other 8   9 R…
A method for allowing a protected mode kernel to service, in virtual 8086 mode, hardware interrupts which occur during execution of ring 0 protected mode code. When an interrupt occurs during execution of ring 0 code, the microprocessor copies the st…
An interrupt is an internal or external event that requires quick attention from the controller. The PIC32MZ architecture provides a rich interrupt system that can manage up to 190 sources of interrupts. Each interrupt source can have a unique piece…
A method of handling processor to processor interrupt requests in a multiprocessing computer bus environment is described. This method allows a multiple-tiered, increasing priority, interrupt request scheme. This method also allows processor to proce…
#include<iostream> #include<vector> using namespace std; //定义一个计算数字的函数,返回计算后的vector numbers bool computeNumber(int num, vector<int>&numbers) { for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { numbers.push_back(i + 10); } return true; } int main()…
3.1 INTEL 保护模式概要 先要说明一个问题:不是 MINIX3 一定要设置这个保护模式,但是在 386 平台上, 引入了这个保护模式机制,MINIX3 不得不设立相关保护模式的内容.由于 386 平台的保护模式是一个极其复杂的过程,建议读者参考相关文献如 INTEL 编程 手册卷 3A,我在这里做一个简要的介绍: 首先理解什么是保护模式,说道保护模式,我们马上应该想到实模式,何谓实模 式呢?实模式是 386 一个历史包袱,在当年开发 8088.8086 时,为了能够在 16 位的寄存器的…
原文:C语言库函数大全及应用实例十二                                          [编程资料]C语言库函数大全及应用实例十二 函数名: setrgbpalette 功 能: 定义IBM8514图形卡的颜色 用 法: void far setrgbpalette(int colornum, int red, int green, int blue); 程序例: #i nclude #i nclude #i nclude #i nclude int main(v…
返回目录:<ARM-Linux中断系统>. 总结:从架构相关的汇编处理跳转到Machine/控制器相关的handle_arch_irq,generic_handle_irq作为High level irq event handler入口. 一介绍了进入High level irq event handler的路径__irq_svc-->irq_handler-->handle_arch_irq,generic_handle_irq是入口函数,在generic_handle_irq_…
No one can do all things, learn to be good at use what others already did. Most computers have two modes of operation: kernel mode and user mode. The OS is the most fundamental piece of software and runs in kermel mode(also called usperivosr mode). I…
系统调用概述 计算机系统的各种硬件资源是有限的,在现代多任务操作系统上同一时候执行的多个进程都须要訪问这些资源,为了更好的管理这些资源进程是不同意直接操作的,全部对这些资源的訪问都必须有操作系统控制.也就是说操作系统是使用这些资源的唯一入口,而这个入口就是操作系统提供的系统调用(System Call).在linux中系统调用是用户空间訪问内核的唯一手段,除异常和陷入外,他们是内核唯一的合法入口. 普通情况下应用程序通过应用编程接口API,而不是直接通过系统调用来编程. 在Unix世界,最流行的…