cf435C Cardiogram】的更多相关文章

C. Cardiogram time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output In this problem, your task is to use ASCII graphics to paint a cardiogram. A cardiogram is a polyline with the following corner…
题目地址: /* 题意:给一组公式,一组数据,计算得到一系列的坐标点,画出折线图:) 模拟题:蛮恶心的,不过也简单,依据公式得知折线一定是一上一下的,只要把两个相邻的坐标之间的折线填充就好 注意:坐标有可能为负数,所以移动值y初始化为1000,最后要倒过来输出 详细解释: */ #include <cstd…
C. Cardiogram time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output In this problem, your task is to use ASCII graphics to paint a cardiogram. A cardiogram is a polyline with the following corner…
奶昔队Round #1 热身 (奶昔队不是真正的队,是群) CodeForces 435C Cardiogram 模拟,不过我做的时候不是模拟,是计算...(写了好久,还wa了几次),现在看了别人的代码写过一份. #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define N 1005 using namespace std; int n,x,y,a,h,l; char ma[N<<1][N]; int main() { cin&g…
包括Sessions 4-6: Prefix Person,nous,etc. Practice,etc. Adjective internus内部 internist [ɪn'tɝnɪst] n.内科医生 internal adj.内部的 intern ['intə:n] n.实习医生 obstetrix分娩的 -ician专家 gyne woman gynecologist [,gaɪnə'kɔlədʒɪst] n.妇科医生 obstetrician [,ɔbste'triʃən] n.产科…
C. Cardiogram time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output In this problem, your task is to use ASCII graphics to paint a cardiogram. A cardiogram is a polyline with the following corner…