José Augusto Thomas Unity Engineer at Imgnation Studios On this article, I'd like to propose an implementation of a Line of Sight, those that you'd see on…
I couldn't get live or delegate to work on a div in a lightbox (tinybox). I used setTimeout successfullly, in the following simple way: $('#displayContact').click(function() {{html:'<form><textarea id="contactText"><…
Dealing with large data sets makes it necessary to pick out only the newest or the hottest elements and not displaying everything. In order to have older items still available, Pagination navigation's have become established. However, implementing a…
Enhancing the Application: Advanced JDBC Features This chapter describes additional functionality that you can use in your Java application. Some of these features have not been implemented in the sample application, while some features are enhanceme…
The information in this topic is useful if you're trying to programmatically find a built-in command, menu, or toolbar. The ICommandBars.Find and ICommandBar.Find methods can be used to get a reference to a specific toolbar, menu, or command. Both of…
一些高级的操作 几何形状Geometry缓冲(buffer) 线段的融合(linemerge)是将Geometry A中相互连接的线段进行连接 多边形化操作(polygonize)对Geometry A进行计算,返回一个多边形(Polygon).将由许多个点表示的图形,用少量的点来表示,减少图形的信息,即对图形进行降维 凹壳分析,包含几何形体的所有点的最小凸壳多边形(外包多边形) 相关的代码实现 工厂 package; import com.vivids…
MySQL 5.7引入了Generated Column,这篇文章简单地介绍了Generated Column的使用方法和注意事项,为读者了解MySQL 5.7提供一个快速的.完整的教程.这篇文章围绕以下几个问题展开: Generated Column是什么  Virtual Column与Stored Column的区别  如果我对Generated Column做一些破坏行为会怎么样  Generated Column上创建索引  Generated Column上创建索引与Oracle的函…
关系判断 Geometry之间的关系有如下几种: 相等(Equals): 几何形状拓扑上相等. 脱节(Disjoint): 几何形状没有共有的点. 相交(Intersects): 几何形状至少有一个共有点(区别于脱节) 接触(Touches): 几何形状有至少一个公共的边界点,但是没有内部点. 交叉(Crosses): 几何形状共享一些但不是所有的内部点. 内含(Within): 几何形状A的线都在几何形状B内部. 包含(Contains): 几何形状B的线都在几何形状A内部(区别于内含) 重叠…
原文链接: 空间数据模型(1).JTS Geometry model (2).ISO Geometry model (Geometry Plugin and JTS Wrapper Plugin)GeoTools has two implementations of these interfaces:Geometry Plugin a port of JTS 1.7 to the ISO…
JTS Geometry关系判断和分析 JTS Geometry关系判断和分析 1.关系判断 1.1实例 2.关系分析 2.1实例 JTS(Geometry) JTS Geometry关系判断和分析 JTS Geometry关系判断和分析 1.关系判断 Geometry之间的关系有如下几种: 关系 说明 相等(Equals) 几何形状拓扑上相等 脱节(Disjoint) 几何形状没有共有的点 相交(Intersects) 几何形状至少有一个共有点(区别于脱节) 接触(Touches) 几何形状有…