完成R Programming第三周 这周作业有点绕,更多地是通过一个缓存逆矩阵的案例,向我们示范[词法作用域 Lexical Scopping]的功效.但是作业里给出的函数有点绕口,花费了我们蛮多心思. Lexical Scopping: The value of free variables are searched for in the environment where the function was defined. 因此 make.power<-function(n){ pow<…
Unit Test Unit testing is about testing your code during development, not in production. Typically you start by preparing the testing environment, writing some code that calls production code and check expected results with actual results. http://lua…
ES 6.3.2 index 操作源码流程 client 发送请求 TransportBulkAction#doExecute(Task,BulkRequest,listener) 解析请求,是否要自动创建索引?请求中 是否有mapping信息? TransportBulkAction#doRun() 获取集群的状态信息 /** sets the last observed state to the currently applied cluster state and returns it *…