Allocating Resources from the Managed Heap The CLR requires that all objects be allocated from the managed heap. When a process is initialized, the CLR allocates a region of address space for the managed heap. The CLR also maintains a pointer, which…
原文地址: Debugging Managed Heap Fragmentation Earlier in the chapter, we described a phenomenon known as heap fragmentation, in which free and busy blocks are arranged and interleaved on th…
Understanding the managed heap Another common problem faced by many Unity developers is the unexpected expansion of the managed heap. In Unity, the managed heap expands much more readily than it shrinks. Furthermore, Unity’s garbage collection stra…
AppDomain Unloading To unload an AppDomain, you call AppDomain’s Unload static method.This call causes the CLR to perform a lot of actions to gracefully unload the specified AppDomain: The CLR suspends all threads in the process that have ever execut…
前言 在阅读这篇文章:Announcing Net Core 3 Preview3的时候,我看到了这样一个特性: Docker and cgroup memory Limits We concluded that the primary fix is to set a GC heap maximum significantly lower than the overall memory limit as a default behavior. In retrospect, this choice…
原文链接: This post is Part 8 in the series of posts on Garbage Collection (GC). Please see the index here. One of the primary disadvantage discussed in…
在做ssh项目练习的时候出现问题: org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role 原因在于hibernate的懒加载出现的问题.在多方中的一方的配置没有指定加载方式,而且一方中的多方是懒加载,因此在获取一方的时候一方是获取到了,但是再获取多方的时候session已经关闭了,这时候会获取不到多方信息,因此报错. 解决办法: 将一方中的多方(one-to-many…