如果查看别人对代码的修改,你可能会非常烦恼与在 Solution Explorer 中看历史版本看不全,如下: 实际上,你想看到的是对于整个解决方案,全部的历史版本,那应该跑去 Source Control Explorer 查看,同样点 View History,这回就会看到全部的签入记录,如下: Solution Explorer 的 ViewHistory 非常方便于对单个文件的历史查看,而如果想对全局有个更好的理解,则应该去 Source Control Explorer 使用 View…
You can link data that doesn't change very often to SQL Source Control. This lets you commit data changes to source control. To source-control data: 1.In the Object Explorer, right-click the database or table with data you want to source control and…
A few days ago, I've been facing a strange behavior with Visual Studio 2013. No matter what solution I was opening, Visual Studio kept switching the source control plugin to Git. I was sure all my solutions were bound to TFS. I didn't understan…
原文网址:http://it.zhaozhao.info/archives/60469 有一次笔者在开心项目准备尝试新的练习的时候,赫然注意到在选择档案存放位置的时候,下面有个Source Control 可以勾选,那么究竟这是什么东西,一瞬间就勾起了许多的好奇心.经过一番研究之后,原来还有"版本控制"这个概念.其实这个概念以笔者目前的理解,就是把每个阶段的构想完成之后,储存起来并留下批注与版本编号,假如日后有不同的想法,可以从某个合适的版本从新开始,省去许多麻烦.本篇文章只先针对简单…
This tutorial is by Malek Trabelsi, a passionate iOS developer from Tunisia focused primarily on mobile and web technologies. Whether you’re a solo developer or working on a team, if you’re not using source control for your projects, you should be. S…