This post builds on a previous post, but can be read and understood independently. As part of my course on statistical learning, we created 3D graphics to foster a more intuitive understanding of the various methods that are used to relax the assumpt…
This semester I'm teaching from Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman's book, The Elements of Statistical Learning, 2nd Edition. The authors provide aMixture Simulation data set that has two continuous predictors and a binary outcome. This data is used to…
R支持4种图形类型: base graphics, grid graphics, lattice graphics, ggplot2. Base graphics是R的默认图形系统. 一. 基本图形函数plot() plot()命令中的type参数用于明确图形如何绘制,具体type值使用如下: "p" for "points" "l" for "lines" "o" for "overlaid…
R in Nutshell 前言 例子(nutshell包) 本书中的例子包括在nutshell的R包中,使用数据,需加载nutshell包 install.packages("nutshell") 第一部分:基础 第一章 批处理(Batch Mode) R provides a way to run a large set of commands in sequence and save the results to a file. 以batch mode运行R的一种方式是:使用系统…
下载和安装Windows环境的R 1.进入主页,点击 蓝色加粗的 download R 2.随便点击一个镜像,这里点击的是 3.点击Download R for Windows 4.点击install R for the first time. 5.点击 Download R 3.2.3 for Windows 6.双击安装包(左),安装成功后,双击R图标(右),打开RGui R是由赋值和函数组成 R有一些默认…