1.Thread.join([timeout]) Wait until the thread terminates. This blocks the calling thread until the thread whose join() method is called terminates – either normally or through an unhandled exception – or until the optional timeout occurs. 等待进程结束.也就是…
TLS 先说TLS( Thread Local Storage),wiki上是这么解释的: Thread-local storage (TLS) is a computer programming method that uses static or global memory local to a thread. 线程本地存储(TLS)是一种电脑编程技术, 它用静态或者全局的存储器来保存线程本地的变量(意译). 其目的是为了实现变量隔离,即“同一个”全局变量,对于不同的线程,其值可以不同(类似…
python通过queue模块来提供线程间的通信机制,从而可以让线程分项数据. 个人感觉queue就是管程的概念 一个生产者消费者问题 from random import randint from threading import Thread from queue import Queue from time import sleep def writeq(queue): print('starting put queue...') queue.put('hahaha', 1) #1表示在有…
信号量适用与多线程竞争有限资源的情况. from atexit import register from time import ctime, sleep from threading import Thread, Lock, BoundedSemaphore from random import randrange lock = Lock() MAX = 5 #信号量大小 candytray = BoundedSemaphore(MAX) def refull(): with lock: pr…
当出现竞态条件时候,即在同一个时刻只有一个线程可以进入临界区,需要使用同步. 常见的同步原语有两种:锁/互斥,信号量. 锁是最简单,最低级的机制. 首先看一个不使用锁时候的多线程示例: from atexit import register from time import sleep, ctime from threading import currentThread, Thread from random import randrange class cleanOutput(list): d…