1. workflow 流程走不下去,报 workflow fails to run 的错误 请确保下面二个service要么都start,要么都stop: Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Workflow Timer Service 2. 安装sharepoint prerequisit总是在web server (iis)这步不断地重启 检查web server (…
DataStage 错误集(持续更新) DataStage序列文章 DataStage 一.安装 DataStage 二.InfoSphere Information Server进程的启动和停止 DataStage 三.配置ODBC 1 执行dsadmin命令时报错 $ dsadmin exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program dsadmin because of the following errors: 0509-022 Cannot load module…
目录 C#程序调试错误集 1.依赖注入错误System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service for type 'xxx' while attempting to activate 'xxx'. 1.1 出错现象 1.1.1原因是net core在调用ValueController的时候,发现UnitOfWork没有进行依赖注入. 1.2 出错现象 1.2.1 原因是net core在调用UnitOfWork的时候,发现IPBo…
阅读目录 1. workflow 流程走不下去,报 workflow fails to run 的错误 2. 安装sharepoint prerequisit总是在web server (iis)这步不断地重启 3. SharePoint 不能在线编辑 4. wcf data service 5.6安装失败 5. Cannot connect to database master at SQL server at xxx 6. "URL" is already routed to th…
1 Run command “New-SPConfigurationDatabase" Feature Description: error message popup after run function “New-SPConfigurationDatabase". 1.1 Category Code error 1.2 Exception and Phenomena pipeline issue:The pipeline has been stopped New-SPConfigu…
1. Delete a site collection · Run command : Remove-SPSite –Identity http://ent132.sharepoint.hp.com/teams/monitor/ –GradualDelete –Confirm:$False · In CA Central Administration->Application Management ->Delete a Site collection Change the site colle…
1 Run command “New-SPConfigurationDatabase" Feature Description: error message popup after run function “New-SPConfigurationDatabase". 1.1 Category Code error 1.2 Exception and Phenomena pipeline issue:The pipeline has been stopped New-SPConfigu…
1. Delete a site collection · Run command : Remove-SPSite –Identity http://ent132.sharepoint.hp.com/teams/monitor/ –GradualDelete –Confirm:$False · In CA Central Administration->Application Management ->Delete a Site collection Change the site colle…
配置网站集的审核设置 您可以使用 Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 的审核功能来跟踪哪些用户对网站集的网站.内容类型.列表.库.列表项和库文件执行了哪些操作.了解谁对哪些信息执行了什么操作对于许多业务要求(例如遵守规章制度和管理记录)至关重要. 作为网站集的管理员,您可以检索由特定用户执行的操作的历史记录,也可以检索在特定的日期范围内执行的操作的历史记录.例如,您可以确定哪些用户编辑了特定文档,以及他们编辑文档的时间. 以下是“配置审核设置”页面.您可在“审核日志…
SharePoint 2001: SharePoint Team Service(STS) SharePoint Portal Server(SPS) SharePoint 2003: Windows SharePoint Service 2.0(WSS 2.0) SharePoint Server 2003 (SPS 2003) SharePoint 2007: Windows SharePoint Service 3.0(WSS 3.0) Microsoft Office SharePoin…
1 如果机群时间不同步,那么启动子节点RegionServer就会出问题 aused by: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RemoteWithExtrasException(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ClockOutOfSyncException): org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ClockOutOfSyncException: Server slave1,, has been rejected; Reported time i…
js里用jQuery.post去后台查询数据,返回的是xml格式的数据流. js代码: var params = ""; params = encodeURI(params); var url = "frame.query.action"; jQuery.post(url, params, function(xmlHttp){ var items = xmlHttp.getElementsByTagName("jg"); for (var i =…
错误列表与解决方案: 1.Android studio Gradle project sync failed Android studio 构建项目出错 Error:Unable to start the daemon process: could not reserve enough space for object heap.Please assign more memory to Gradle in the project's gradle.properties file.For exam…
1-->IndentationError:expected an indented block >IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level >IndentationError: unexpected indent 报错的地方需要缩进,在出现错误的那一行,按空格或Tab(但不能混用)键缩进就行.最好都用Tab,简单些,本来打算全部用四个空格的,结果写完了,一执行到处都报错 2-->(…