1.3 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT 1.4 WIN32 EXECUTEABLE FILE FORMAT We should also know that complied binary code is a data structure in itself,which the operating system operates on when code is loaded into memory for execution.For Win32 platforms…
Recently I have been starting to learn Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 about implement plugin and workflow with SDK. The first thing I face is how to set up a development environment for Visual Studio. If you are using Visual Studio 2012 or lower version…
https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/create-a-net-core-development-environment-using-visual-studio-code2/ https://www.cnblogs.com/yilezhu/p/9926078.html Almost all .NET developers are accustomed to developing applications using the Visual Studio IDE…
最近Google Testing Blog上开始连载The Google Test and Development Environment(Google的测试和开发环境),因为blogspot被墙,我还是原文转载过来. The Google Test and Development Environment - Pt. 1: Office and Equipment The Google Test and Development Environment - Pt. 2: Dogfooding an…
http://www.distilnetworks.com/setup-go-golang-ide-for-mac-os-x/#.V1Byrf50yM8 Programming in Go (Golang) – Setting up a Mac OS X Development Environment Published on February 4, 2015 At Distil, we have recently started to use Go (Golang) to expand the…
Setting Up a Development Environment 搭建storm开发环境所需步骤: Download a Storm release , unpack it, and put the unpacked bin/ directory on your PATH.(下载storm的release版本, 解压,并且把bin/目录加到环境变量PATH里面去.) To be able to start and stop topologies on a remote cluster,…
Setting up your development environment 1. download j2se 6 SDK from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html chmod 775 jdk-6u35-linux-64.bin yes | jdk-6u35-linux-64.bin mv jdk1.6.0_35 /opt ln -s /opt/jdk1.6.0_35/bin/java /us…
######################################################## Step One: Update the software package in your operation system. THE COMMAND YOU CAN TYPE INTO YOUR CONSOLE #apt-get update #apt-get dist-upgrade -y --force-yes #################################…
To enable C development in a Windows 10 development environment VM, follow these steps: Start VS in the Windows 10 development environment VM. Choose "File" -> "New" -> "Project", choose "Open Visual Studio Install…
Administrator@DESKTOP-EHCTIOR MINGW64 /d/react-native-eyepetizer (master) $ react-native run-android Starting JS server... Building and installing the app on the device (cd android && gradlew.bat installDebug... FAILURE: Build failed with an excep…
Create a Hadoop Build and Development Environment http://vichargrave.com/create-a-hadoop-build-and-development-environment-for-hadoop/ Debugging Hadoop Applications with IntelliJ http://vichargrave.com/debugging-hadoop-applications-with-intellij/…
安裝 Android Development Environment http://www.cnblogs.com/youchihwang/p/6645880.html 除了上述還得安裝, sudo apt-get install phablet-tools modify bash shell sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash answer : no Installing Repo mkdir ~/bin curl https://storage.googleapis.com…
Follow these instructions to obtain the IBM Blockchain Platform: Develop development tools (primarily used to create Business Networks) and stand up a Hyperledger Fabric (primarily used to run/deploy your Business Networks locally). Note that the Bus…
Setup iOS Development Environment Install XCode and check-out source code from SVN XCode Please find document from Apple on how to install XCode. Check-out Source Code In XCode, Use menu "Source Control" -> "Check-out" to checkout s…
SharePoint 2013 support app development pattern.An app for SharePoint is small and isolate application that provides a specific bit of functionality.In order to provide isolate apps run in their own domain,instead of the same domain name as your farm…
1. Python Of course you will need Python. Still Python 2.7 is preferred, however if you would like to create new projects with Python 3, it is also fine to do. Newest Python could be downloaded from https://www.python.org/downloads/ 2. pip It is a ve…
1. Visual Studio 目前,Visual Studio 2017/2019支持Azure Sphere开发,后续,微软会加入Visual Studio Code的支持.以Visual Studio 2019 Community为例(Pro版和Enterprise版也当然支持),用户需要先从官网下载.安装的时候,需要勾选Linux development with C++这个Workload,注意,还需要勾选C++ CMake tools for Linux和Embedded and…
ADB命令 Application Exerciser Monkey Gradle ProGuard 代码重用 版本控制 静态代码分析 代码重构 开发者模式   ADB命令: @.adb help:查看adb命令. @.adb devices:列出所有连接的安卓设备和模拟器. @.adb push <local> <remote> 把计算机里的文件拷贝到设备中. adb push e:\test.xml /sdcard/files.ldb/ @.adb pull <remot…
In this lesson we'll setup a simple build process for converting our ES6 React components into ES5 using Babel and Webpack Install: npm i --save react react-dom npm i -D babel-loader babel-core babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-react npm i -g babel we…
Install packages: { "name": "reactflux", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "dist/js/main.js", "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no…
恰好前几天买了个新笔记本, 15存 sony vaio, 终于从mac回到了windows. 不过作为(曾经的)*nix追随者, 没有bash真是寸步难行, 幸好windows8.x有了super search, 否则的话在一对按钮里点来点去还真没辙-- Dvorak layout 首先就是dvorak的设定, mac上倒是可以很简单的从preference-language里设置, windows下没有给非英文输入法提供简单的配置方式.不过倒不像我用windows之前想的不可能. window…
1.opening terminal window and entering the apt-get command for the packages: sudo apt-get install mesa-common-dev sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev 2.Testing #include "GL/freeglut.h" #include "GL/gl.h" /* display function - code from:…
WLS(Windows Subsystem for Linux) Base WLS Installation Guide Initializing a newly installed distro WSL Doc More 更改默认源至国内镜像 $ sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup # 备份配置文件 $ sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list # 使用vim打开配置文件 # 在vim打开的配…
原文地址:https://www.runoob.com/python/python-install.html IDE下载安装 PyCharm 是由 JetBrains 打造的一款 Python IDE,支持 macOS. Windows. Linux 系统. PyCharm 功能 : 调试.语法高亮.Project管理.代码跳转.智能提示.自动完成.单元测试.版本控制…… PyCharm 下载地址 : https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/ PyC…
Installing a Storm release locally If you want to be able to submit topologies to a remote cluster from your machine, you should install a Storm release locally. Installing a Storm release will give you the storm client that you can use to interact w…
1.CentOS版本信息 $ cat /etc/redhat-releaseCentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core) 2.SDSoC下载地址: https://www.xilinx.com/support/download/index.html/content/xilinx/en/downloadNav/sdx-development-environments.html 3.安装 4.驱动安装 4.1.install_drivers $ cd ~/Xilinx/V…
From my mailbag: How do I write a C program to connect MySQL database server? MySQL database does support C program API just like PHP or perl. The C API code is distributed with MySQL. It is included in the mysqlclient library and allows C programs t…
http://www.opensourceforu.com/2011/06/qemu-for-embedded-systems-development-part-1/ http://www.opensourceforu.com/2011/07/qemu-for-embedded-systems-development-part-2/ http://www.opensourceforu.com/2011/08/qemu-for-embedded-systems-development-part-3…