Douglas Crockford classified the "class methods" in JavaScript into three types: private, privileged and public. Public methods have an obvious meaning: they can be accessed by the public. Private methods' meaning are also clear: they cannot be…
All object members are public in JavaScript. var myobj = { myprop : 1, getProp : function() { return this.myprop; } }; console.log(myobj.myprop); // `myprop` is publicly accessible console.log(myobj.getProp()); // getProp() is public too The same is…
原文链接:A re-introduction to JavaScript (JS tutorial) Why a re-introduction? Because JavaScript is notorious for being the world's most misunderstood programming language. It is often derided as being a toy, but beneath its layer of deceptive simplicity…
JavaScript is a class-free, object-oriented language, and as such, it uses prototypal inheritance instead of classical inheritance. This can be puzzling to programmers trained in conventional object-oriented languages like C++ and Java. JavaScript's…
Private Members in JavaScript Douglas Crockford JavaScript is the world's most misunderstood programming language. Some believe that it lacks the property of information hiding because objects cannot have private instance variables…
原文: Although the JavaScriptCore framework has been officially available to iOS and Mac developers for quite some time now, its features are…
Summary private variables are declared with the 'var' keyword inside the object, and can only be accessed by private functions and privileged methods. private functions are declared inline inside the object's constructor (or alternatively may be defi…
经常在百度搜索框输入一部分关键词后,弹出候选关键热词.现在我们就用Ajax技术来实现这一功能. 一.下载json.js文件 百度搜一下,最好到json官网下载,安全起见. 并与新建的两个文件部署如图 json.js也可直接复制此处的代码获取. /* json.js 2008-03-14 Public Domain No warranty expressed or implied. Use at your own risk. This file has been superceded by htt…