由于在Xamarin属于微软之前,就已经有Xamarin的账号,试用过破解版的.所以4月1号微软set Xamarin free之后.就收到了Xamarin的邀请试用邮件. 试用完了之后第二天.收到邮件:…
Visual studio 2017 RC出来一段时间了,最近有时间就想安装试试,随带分享一下安装使用体验. 1,卸载visual studio 2015 虽然可以同时安装visual studio 2015和2017,考虑个人电脑性能加空间有限还是先卸载一个吧.要想完全卸载visual studio2015,得下载微软团队开源得一个简单工具才行,开源项目地址https://github.com/Microsoft/VisualStudioUninstaller,工具下载地址TotalUnins…
微软近期Open的职位: Title: Principal Dev Manager Location: Beijing The R&D of Shared Data Platform at Search Technology Center Asia aims to build a unified data platform encompassing users, advertisers, search engine, and office365. We are able to process a…
微软近期Open的职位: Title: Principal DEV Manager for Bing ClientGroup: Search Technology Center Asia, BingWork Location: Beijing/Suzhou, China Group OverviewSearch Technology Center Asia (STCA)STCA was founded in year 2005 and is now starting the second "Fi…
微软近期Open的职位: Location: China, BeijingDivision: Operations System Group Engineering Group OverviewOSG is delivering flagship products in Microsoft. China is a second largest economy in the world. With over one billion mobile subscribers, China has bec…
微软近期Open的职位: Location: China, BeijingDivision: Operations System Group Engineering Group OverviewOSG is delivering flagship products in Microsoft. China is a second largest economy in the world. With over one billion mobile subscribers, China has bec…
微软近期Open的职位: Location: China, BeijingDivision: Operations System Group Engineering Group OverviewOSG is delivering flagship products in Microsoft. China is a second largest economy in the world. With over one billion mobile subscribers, China has bec…
[首页小编:你好,关于博客园对Xamarin的报道确实一笔而过了,希望能不要把这篇文章移除首页呵呵,祝福帅气,聪明,敏捷,睿智的小编] 一个月后,微软开始免费Xamarin了....还要放开SDK...还要给Win10开发IOS模拟器.........................天啊............. 2016-2-26日:本周四,微软正式收购Xamarin,意图集成到Visual Studio.Microsoft Azure.Office 365和企业移动套件中,使用C#同时开发i…
摘要 本文介绍Xamarin.Forms创建用户界面的语言:XAML基础部分. 前言 本文介绍Xamarin.Forms定义用户界面的语言:XAML. 本篇篇幅较长,主要讲述XAML语法,以及对其他基础知识的粗略认识,后续会分篇探索XAML中的几个重点知识. 大纲 1.XAML概述 2.初始XAML 3.基础语法(重点讲述) 4.标记扩展 5.数据绑定 内容 1.XAML概述 XAML是一种基于XML语言,由微软创建的实例化对象的代码,并组织这些对象的父子级关系,主要应用在WPF.Silverl…
CONTENTS Reading time: 14 minutes Cross-platform mobile development has long been a viable alternative to fully native engineering. Following the classic native approach, you produce two different applications: one written in Java for Android and the…