Zip 合并兩個序列,產生一個新的對象序列,但連接方式是一对一的(即序列1和第一项连接序列2的第一项),所以最终结果会在较短的序列处终止. Zip在這裏不是壓縮的意思,而是拉鏈,意爲連接兩個序列 Person magnus = new Person { Name = "Hedlund, Magnus" }; Person terry = new Person { Name = "Adams, Terry" }; Person charlotte = new Pers…
现在 java 支持 linq 啦.比原生 stream api 更好用,功能更强大.现已发布 version 1.0.1 地址: API of IEnumerable where select selectMany take takeWhile skip skipWhile join groupJoin orderBy orderByDescending groupBy concat zip distinct union int…
Reactive = Observables(响应)+ Schedulers(异步). Extensions = LINQ(语言集成查询) LINQ: The Operators of ReactiveX Operators By Category Creating Observables Operators that originate new Observables. Create — create an Observable from scratch by calling observer…
Part 5: Parallel Programming In this section, we cover the multithreading APIs new to Framework 4.0 for leveraging multicore processors: Parallel LINQ or PLINQ The Parallel class The task parallelism constructs The concurrent collections SpinLock and…
LINQ 查询 var query = from r in Formula1.GetChampions() where r.Country == "Brazil" orderby r.Wins descending select r; foreach (Racer racer in query) { Console.WriteLine("{0:A}", racer); } 扩展方法 LINQ为IEnumerable<T>接口提供各种扩展方法,以便用户实现…